The Warriors' Andre Iguodala Has Some Things To Say About Tech

Posted By: Admin - 9:52 PM

“Tesla’s pretty cool.”

Michelle Rial/BuzzFeed

Less than two weeks after winning the NBA championships, Warriors power forward Andre Iguodala — now an emerging entrepreneur — sat down with BuzzFeed News to talk about tech, Twitter, and Jack Dorsey's beard. Here are the highlights:

"You just try to capture the moment because it's so fast. It feels like it was two months ago, but it was seven days ago. it's just been going by in a blur. You answer a lot of questions."

"I had started a relationship with Andreesen Horowitz, and was looking at companies where I felt like I could help their brand. Twice was one of those companies — I've always been into fashion, and we wanted to look for next platforms that are evolving and engaged with their community and have a really solid foundation with a lot of potential. Twice was a really good match, being definitely fashion forward. They didn't have a mens' line, and they named me mens' style director, to get men to think fashion forward, just to give them the awareness that the way they present themeslves is very important. It's been a lot of fun just seeing the whole process of how it works and understanding the ins and outs of the business."

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VR Company Jaunt Made Its Own Camera

Posted By: Admin - 8:33 PM

Building a 360-degree view from the ground up.


You probably haven't seen a VR video yet. And why would you, because there's very little worth watching. Most of the video that's out there is from the proof of concept school of filmmaking. But Jaunt, one of the few companies making at least interesting VR content, including concerts from Paul McCartney and Big Sean, a Paul Feig-directed comedy, and a horror short — attributes much of the challenge of VR film-making to the main tool of the trade: the camera. Sometimes, when you can't buy the tool you want, you make your own. Which explains why Jaunt just announced its own camera, the Neo.

Often, VR filmmaking relies on jerry-rigged GoPros literally wired together. (This kind of GoPro rig was, literally, what Google showed at its big developer conference this year.) That's where Jaunt has been. But after four versions of these Frankencameras, it came up with a new idea, and developed an in-house model code-named "Neo." It even hired Apple's Koji Gardiner, as its director of hardware to make it happen. "We needed a completely custom camera," Gardiner told BuzzFeed News, "because there are some high level features that wouldn't be possible off the shelf."

For example, take lighting. Say you're watching a movie, but could turn the camera around — instead of the background, you would see an array of lights on tripods. Yet in virtual reality, the viewer can turn around. Which means an array of klieg lights can't be in the picture. So the ideal VR camera has to work with ambient light, which means the light sensors on the camera must be bigger and faster.

And then there's synchronization. While GoPro camera arrays are small and portable, they're not meant to work together — which is exactly what VR demands. So, the Jaunt team built cameras with this exact purpose in mind, designed to work with the software the company already had in place. The goal is a seamless array of cameras, all feeding into one 360-degree image.

Finally, came the design. "If it's going to be on-stage at a concert or inside a sports stadium, it's important that it looks good, because it's going to be very visible," Jaunt CTO Arthur van Hoff said. But don't expect to be able to buy one.

"We're not a camera company," van Hoff told BuzzFeed News, when asked whether there would ever be a consumer version of the Neo available to the public. "We're a company that makes content, and this is a tool for us to give us more control."

It's going to be a while before anyone sees footage shot on a Neo — the camera is currently still in testing, and will be first available to Jaunt partners this August.



This App Keeps Truckers Rolling In An On-Demand World

Posted By: Admin - 6:26 PM

Trucker Path started as a crowdsourced information hub for truckers, but it’s about to become a marketplace with the potential to shake up how commercial shippers get paid.


Driving a big rig can be a lonely job. Drivers end up spending a lot of time on the road by themselves with not much to do and not many people to talk to. In addition, most drivers are independent, meaning they don't get much support along the road.

So when Trucker Path, a San Jose based startup, launched an app that helped drivers locate the resources and information they needed — showers, parking, fuel prices etc. — at truck stops, it was a hit. "This app changed my life," wrote Jeremiah Dean in a Google Play store review. "It's truly a beautiful thing." Dozens of truck drivers have written on Trucker Path's Facebook page to say that they love the app, and consider it a must have on the job. One user was so thankful he wrote a song about it (uh, after Trucker Path asked him to):

"Well the trucker's path, it's a long old road, a never ending ribbon of black and gold," sings William Weaver.

But truck stop maps and weigh station closing times were just the beginning for Trucker Path. Today, the company is launching a public beta of Truckloads, a shipping marketplace that will rely on its network of 300,000 accounts to match independent truckers with loads that need to get from point A to point B.

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FTC Settles With Developer Who Hijacked Phones To Mine Cryptocurrency

Posted By: Admin - 2:33 AM

A game and rewards app was really a Trojan horse, installing virtual currency mining software on the phones of unsuspecting consumers.


The thousands of consumers who downloaded the Prized app for Android from Google Play and the Amazon Appstore, beginning in 2014, believed they were working to redeem points for gift cards and clothing. Little did they know they were unwittingly enlisting their smartphones in the app developer's automated army as well.

The main purpose of Prized was actually to install malware on consumers' phones that would mine for virtual currency, harnessing the computing power of a massive fleet of mobile devices, to the unlawful benefit of the developer, Ryan Ramminger.

The Federal Trade Commission and the New Jersey Attorney General have settled with Ramminger, banning him from further distributing the malicious software. He will also be forced to pay the state of New Jersey $50,000. According to the FTC complaint, the malware mined for Dogecoin, Litecoin and QuarkCoin, but not the most prominent of the virtual currencies, bitcoin. In doing so, it caused rapid battery drains and monthly data overages on the devices on which it was installed. The settlement between the FTC and Ramminger requires that he destroy all the consumer information collected through the app. Ramminger has neither admitted to nor denied the allegations brought by the FTC.

In its complaint, the FTC alleged that Ramminger and his company, Equiliv Investments, violated the FTC Act and the New Jersey Consumer Fraud Act.

"Hijacking consumers' mobile devices with malware to mine virtual currency isn't just deplorable; it's also illegal," said Jessica Rich, director of the FTC's Bureau of Consumer Protection. "These scammers are now prohibited from trying such a scheme again."

Helen Wong, an attorney with the FTC's Division of Financial Practices, told BuzzFeed News that this case is the first of its kind. The commission has dealt with email-based malware in the past, but Prized was the first instance of malicious activity originating in an app. She said the FTC has alleged that the app did not do any part of what it claimed — even the rewards part of the app, the legal, functioning aspect, was illegitimate and part of the ruse.


Rand Paul Threw A Libertarian Hackathon On Pride Weekend

Posted By: Admin - 2:33 AM

For liberty, for privacy, and for Rand Paul for President.

William Alden / Via BuzzFeed News

If they ventured outside on Saturday, maybe even took a walk to Dolores Park, the programmers would have been bathed in glorious sunshine and surrounded by rainbow-clad revelers.

Instead, for 24 hours starting that afternoon, smack in the middle of San Francisco's Pride weekend festivities, they sequestered themselves in a harshly lit co-working space in the city's SoMa neighborhood, coding for liberty, for privacy, and for Senator Rand Paul.

His presidential campaign had organized what is known in tech circles as a hackathon — basically, an all-night software-writing orgy — with a political twist. The campaign had challenged the programmers, grouped in competing teams, to make software applications for "protecting liberty and privacy." The winning team would get to meet Paul. The top two would get copies of the Constitution, signed by the libertarian-leaning senator.

The Rand Paul for President campaign cared a lot about this hackathon. Ron Schnell, the campaign's recently hired chief technology officer, told BuzzFeed News it was "a good starting point to ramp up to the most tech-savvy campaign in history," and that it was "pretty much the first thing I started working on" after joining the campaign in May.

Schnell pointed out the event had its own hashtag, #HackForRand. The senator wasn't actually there, but a close-to-life-size foam board cutout was. The image of Paul stared serenely at the programmers with a Mona Lisa smile. Beside it hung two campaign signs: "DEFEAT THE WASHINGTON MACHINE." "UNLEASH THE AMERICAN DREAM."

Ron Schnell, the campaign's chief technology officer.

Brendan Klinkenberg / Via BuzzFeed News

William Alden / Via BuzzFeed News

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Apple Music Launches Tuesday With Dr. Dre's "The Chronic"

Posted By: Admin - 12:56 AM

It will be the first time Dre’s solo debut has ever been made available by a streaming music service.

When Apple Music debuts on Tuesday, June 30th it will do so with an exclusive from one of the minds behind it: The Chronic, the 1992 West Coast hip-hop classic by Beats co-founder and now Apple employee Dr. Dre.

Sources in position to know tell BuzzFeed News that the album, which has never been available on any music streaming service -- including Dre's own Beats Music -- will join Taylor Swift's 1989 as an Apple Music streaming exclusive tomorrow morning. Apple confirmed the arrangement to BuzzFeed News, but declined further comment.

Apple Music is expected to launch around 8AM PT Tuesday morning alongside iOS 8.4, the latest version of Apple's mobile operating system.


Supreme Court Declines To Hear Google Appeal Of Oracle Suit

Posted By: Admin - 11:06 PM

The denial leaves in place a ruling that Java is copyrightable — Oracle may seek a billion dollar in damages.


The Supreme Court denied to review an appeal by Google in a long-running copyright lawsuit by Oracle regarding the use of its Java programming language.

The denial leaves in place a 2014 ruling by a the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit that Java programming interfaces can be copyrighted — a major blow to Google's Android operating system, which is built in Java. The case now returns to a lower court.

Google has argued that free and open use of Java is crucial to innovation in Android, its open source software platform; Oracle has argued that licensing fees and protections are crucial to responsible development, and seeks a billion dollars in damages.

"Today's Supreme Court decision is a win for innovation and for the technology industry that relies on copyright protection to fuel innovation," Oracle General Counsel Dorian Daley said in a statement. A Google spokesperson said, "We will continue to defend the interoperability that has fostered innovation and competition in the software industry."

The Obama administration last month urged the Court not to hear the case; a group of computer scientists represented by the Electronic Frontier Foundation urged the opposite, stating in an amicus brief that "Oracle and others will have an unprecedented and dangerous power over the future of innovation." According to the scientists — including the author of MS-DOS and the developer of ARPANET — the ruling will allow powerful tech companies to block developers from making programs that work with their APIs, even if those programs do not use any actual code from the API.


An Algorithmic Feed May Be Twitter's Last Remaining Card To Play

Posted By: Admin - 9:15 PM

Are we about to see the end of the unfiltered stream?

Universal Studios and DreamWorks

Twitter is out of options — except for one big one.

In the nearly two years since its November 2013 initial public offering, Twitter has tried seemingly everything to grow without alienating its loyal-until-death group of core users. It's made itself more visual by expanding images by default. It's quashed the "RT" in favor of the simpler quoted tweet. It's introduced autoplay video. It's added an e-commerce layer by giving brands the option to sell products straight from tweets with a "Buy" button. It killed a confusing rule preventing people from sending direct messages to folks who don't follow them. And it's extended the character limit for those messages to 1,000 characters from 140.

In other words, Twitter has done nearly everything it can to refine and enhance the way tweets present information, without touching the order in which they're published. That order -- chronological, with no algorithm elevating the "best" tweets -- has long been sacred ground for the company. The order is cherished by Twitter's core users, with many arguing its organic surfacing of news and conversation is what makes Twitter work. But with every other card on the table and Twitter's Wall Street masters still unhappy, the company's last remaining move may be the one it's long avoided: the application of an algorithm, or code, that decides which tweets get shown and which don't. The end of the order.

"It's not an easy task, but I think it's a necessary task," Nate Elliott, vice president and principal analyst at Forrester Research, told BuzzFeed News. "If they implement an algorithm properly, it could be the savior of their platform."

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The 21st Century Has Really Not Been Great For Women And Minorities In STEM

Posted By: Admin - 3:10 PM

The gap between white men and everybody else in tech starts in high school.

Via Flickr: orangegreenblue

Teens of all stripes are glued to their smartphones, but, per a new study out today from U.S. News and World Report and Raytheon, while 15% of high school boys surveyed were interested in a career in technology, only 2% of girls thought a job in tech sounded appealing. Similarly, while 31% of boys thought jobs in engineering sounded good, only 3% of girls were interested.

The impact of this early-life division down the line is clear. Overall, the number of STEM jobs in the U.S. has grown by 20% since 2000, but the gap between the number of STEM degrees held by men versus women is as wide as ever. That's unfortunate for the women, considering that, as the report finds, "every STEM occupation but food scientists saw their bank accounts swell from 2000 to 2014."

The race gap in STEM is also entrenched. While the percentage of white students pursuing bachelor's degrees in STEM grew almost 3% from 2009 to 2014, in the same five years, the percentage of black students pursuing STEM degrees grew less than 1%.

As the authors of the study point out, major educational and recruitment efforts have been pursued at great expense in the last decade and a half to correct this imbalance. Clearly, those efforts haven't been enough.

This report comes just days after one of the tech industry's most visible companies — Facebook — released a report showing that its efforts at recruiting and retaining women and ethnic minorities have come up short. Despite much-touted diversity initiatives at the company, the numbers reported are dismal. For example, out of 1,231 people hired by Facebook in 2013, only seven were black, reported the Guardian. 84% of employees working on "core technology" are male. In a public forum, CEO Mark Zuckerburg pointed the finger at education, saying that "you need to start earlier in the funnel so that girls don't self-select out of doing computer science."

The logical conclusion seems to be that simply spending money on diversity initiatives meant to attract the attention of non-white, non-male potential hires once their careers are already underway is a bandaid on a larger cultural problem. Considering the magnitude of the problem, it would certainly be nice to see companies that are struggling to hire diverse staffs contribute in some way to early stage education that could help teens connect the phones in their hands to their dreams for the future.


SpaceX Rocket Explodes After Liftoff On Space Station Cargo Mission

Posted By: Admin - 5:02 AM

The private space company’s scientists are trying to work out what went wrong.

An unmanned SpaceX rocket on a cargo mission to the International Space Station exploded shortly after liftoff on Sunday in Florida.

The Falcon 9 rocket from entrepreneur Elon Musk's space firm exploded shortly after it took off at 10:22 a.m. in Cape Canaveral.

NASA Launch Commentator George Diller said on the space agency's live blog that they had confirmed the rocket had broken up, but it's not clear yet exactly what went wrong.

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Apple Music Is Coming To Sonos Before The End Of 2015

Posted By: Admin - 1:50 AM

The wireless speaker company is working with Apple to get the new streaming service on its devices.


Apple Music is coming to Sonos devices, spokespeople for both companies confirmed to BuzzFeed News.

"We're working together to make Apple Music available on Sonos before the end of the year," Apple spokesman Tom Neumayr told BuzzFeed News.

The new streaming service launches Tuesday, and it was previously reported that it would not be available on Sonos, but Apple executive Ian Rogers confirmed via Twitter that Sonos and Apple are working together and plan to introduce compatibility.


The streaming service Beats Music, which is owned by Apple, does work on Sonos, but iTunes Radio and other features that will be folded into Apple Music do not.

At Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference earlier this month — at which it announced Apple Music — Sonos said that it hoped to eventually support Apple Music. It looks like that will be sooner, rather than later.

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Here's Ronan Farrow Covering Avril Lavigne On The Guitar Next To A Cutout Of Rand Paul

Posted By: Admin - 5:44 AM

Just some good, clean, libertarian fun.

Ronan Farrow arrived at a Rand Paul for President hackathon in San Francisco on Saturday planning to cover the competition for NBC.

But the blue-eyed newsman soon became the main event.

As he waited for the hackathon to begin, Farrow, who is famous as the son of Mia Farrow and for his impressive resume in politics and advocacy, treated the programmers and reporters in the room to an impromptu concert.

"The Enemy," by Andrew Belle

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"Bad Romance," by Lady Gaga

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Now You Can See What Google's Algorithms Are Thinking

Posted By: Admin - 2:35 AM

It gets weird!`

This is the Google logo you know, but with one major difference

This is the Google logo you know, but with one major difference


Not the people at Google (the company) — the artificial neural network that lets Google (the tool) recognize images.

These neural networks — which Google uses for products like reverse image search — get "trained" by looking at thousands of images, identifying features in them until they understand what, say, a tree looks like.

But when Google tries to let the neural network make images on its own, things get weird. This is what happens with dumbbells:

But when Google tries to let the neural network make images on its own, things get weird. This is what happens with dumbbells:


As you can see, it doesn't work great — the network had trouble telling apart arms and the weights they're holding, so it created these horrific dumbbell-arm hybrid images.

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FCC Chair: "Broadband Should Be Available To Everyone Everywhere"

Posted By: Admin - 9:41 AM

FCC Chair Tom Wheeler championed broadband access and defended net neutrality as he dismissed characterizations of the FCC as an “omnipresent boogeyman” regulator.

Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler (C) holds hands with FCC Commissioners Mignon Clyburn (L) and Jessica Rosenworcel (R). Mark Wilson / Getty Images

Just two weeks after the U.S. Federal Communications Commission's new net neutrality rules went into effect, commission chair Tom Wheeler is on the offensive, promoting the agency's agenda to expand broadband to underserved communities and invigorate competition among telecom providers.

In a wide-ranging speech at the Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C., Wheeler praised two of the FCC's popular efforts: advancing new open internet rules and scuttling the proposed Comcast–Time Warner merger. For Wheeler, these actions demonstrate the commission's dedication to oversight, to shielding consumers from abuse, and encouraging investment for big players and upstarts. "Continuing to protect and encourage a competitive marketplace is the foundational requirement of the modern FCC," Wheeler said.

He also advanced other FCC initiatives that would subsidize broadband internet for the poor and stage a spectrum auction to expand the wireless web.

Addressing critics of net neutrality who think internet service providers will now be unfairly treated like public utilities, Wheeler tried to dismiss the idea of regulator as "omnipresent boogeyman." "We are arbiters of last resort, not first resort." he said. "We will not micromanage networks as was done in the pre-broadband days. This means no retail rate regulation, no network unbundling, and no tariffs. In short, no utility style regulation."

With an eye toward history, Wheeler framed the FCC's broadband policy as a great catalyst for social transformation, evoking the railroad and telegraph networks of the 19th century. "The victory laurels have gone to those who embraced the new networks," he said, adding, "broadband is the most powerful and pervasive network in the history of the planet."

To that end, Wheeler called for stronger efforts to improve broadband access to rural areas, to the physically impaired, and to the poor. "Broadband should be available to everyone everywhere," Wheeler said. He cited a recent Pew Research Center study that found that nearly 20% of young American students don't have high-speed internet at home. "It is simply unacceptable," he said, "that these students have to go to McDonald's or some other Wi-Fi-equipped location to do their assignments."

Wheeler's remarks on the importance of broadband access contrast with those of his FCC colleague, Commissioner Michael O'Rielly, who on Thursday told the Internet Innovation Alliance that "internet access is not a necessity or human right."

O'Rielly and Commissioner Ajit Pai often form a dissenting minority faction within the FCC's five-person panel. Together, the two have been outspoken in their opposition to Wheeler's initiatives, particularly net neutrality. While Wheeler and the majority enjoyed a preliminary victory that allowed the open internet rules to move forward, an appeals court will decide the ultimate fate of net neutrality next year.


FCC Chair: "Broadband Should Be Available To Everyone Everywhere"

Posted By: Admin - 9:17 AM

FCC Chair Tom Wheeler championed broadband access and defended net neutrality as he dismissed characterizations of the FCC as an “omnipresent boogeyman” regulator.

Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler (C) holds hands with FCC Commissioners Mignon Clyburn (L) and Jessica Rosenworcel (R). Mark Wilson / Getty Images

Just two weeks after the U.S. Federal Communications Commission's new net neutrality rules went into effect, commission chair Tom Wheeler is on the offensive, promoting the agency's agenda to expand broadband to underserved communities and invigorate competition among telecom providers.

In a wide-ranging speech at the Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C., Wheeler praised two of the FCC's popular efforts: advancing new open internet rules and scuttling the proposed Comcast–Time Warner merger. For Wheeler, these actions demonstrate the commission's dedication to oversight, to shielding consumers from abuse, and encouraging investment for big players and upstarts. "Continuing to protect and encourage a competitive marketplace is the foundational requirement of the modern FCC," Wheeler said.

He also advanced other FCC initiatives that would subsidize broadband internet for the poor and stage a spectrum auction to expand the wireless web.

Addressing critics of net neutrality who think internet service providers will now be unfairly treated like public utilities, Wheeler tried to dismiss the idea of regulator as "omnipresent boogeyman." "We are arbiters of last resort, not first resort." he said. "We will not micromanage networks as was done in the pre-broadband days. This means no retail rate regulation, no network unbundling, and no tariffs. In short, no utility style regulation."

With an eye toward history, Wheeler framed the FCC's broadband policy as a great catalyst for social transformation, evoking the railroad and telegraph networks of the 19th century. "The victory laurels have gone to those who embraced the new networks," he said, adding, "broadband is the most powerful and pervasive network in the history of the planet."

To that end, Wheeler called for stronger efforts to improve broadband access to rural areas, to the physically impaired, and to the poor. "Broadband should be available to everyone everywhere," Wheeler said. He cited a recent Pew Research Center study that found that nearly 20% of young American students don't have high-speed internet at home. "It is simply unacceptable," he said, "that these students have to go to McDonald's or some other Wi-Fi-equipped location to do their assignments."

Wheeler's remarks on the importance of broadband access contrast with those of his FCC colleague, Commissioner Michael O'Rielly, who on Thursday told the Internet Innovation Alliance that "internet access is not a necessity or human right."

O'Rielly and Commissioner Ajit Pai often form a dissenting minority faction within the FCC's five-person panel. Together, the two have been outspoken in their opposition to Wheeler's initiatives, particularly net neutrality. While Wheeler and the majority enjoyed a preliminary victory that allowed the open internet rules to move forward, an appeals court will decide the ultimate fate of net neutrality next year.


Meet The Mysterious New Hacker Army Freaking Out The Middle East

Posted By: Admin - 8:14 AM


SAN FRANCISCO — The first tweets appeared on April 14. The website of Al Hayat, a pro-Saudi newspaper, had been hacked, its front page replaced to threaten Saudi Arabia against getting involved in Yemen’s growing civil unrest. A group calling itself the Yemen Cyber Army took credit for the hack. Few took notice — amid the breaches of government databases and hacking armies with groups claiming affiliation with groups like ISIS, the takedown of a newspaper website was hardly news.

But the campaign continued to build. Twitter accounts were created calling for hackers to attack Saudi targets rallying around the hashtag #OpSaudi. On May 20, the Saudi foreign ministry was hacked. The next day, a story appeared on Iran’s state-run FARS news agency, the first media mention of the group (followed quickly by a second press mention on Russia Today). The FARS story credited the Yemen Cyber Army with carrying out the hack of the Saudi foreign ministry and said it would soon be releasing personal information about Saudi federal employees as well as diplomatic correspondence. In the week that followed, documents surfaced in Pastebin accounts with passport information that appeared to come from the Saudi foreign ministry.

A screengrab from the hacked Al Hayat website.

Screengrab / Via

Fast forward to one month later, when Wikileaks announced it would make public roughly one million diplomatic cables from Saudi Arabia’s foreign ministry. Wikileaks’ press release mentions that “a group calling itself the Yemen Cyber Army was responsible for breaching the Saudi Foreign Ministry,” but stops short of naming the group as the source of the documents being uploaded to Wikileaks. The documents range from cables outlining Saudi Arabia’s funding of Islamist groups in the region, to a request from Osama bin Laden’s son for his father’s death certificate. It was the first news-making event for Wikileaks since November 2013.

Who is the shadowy group that appears to have launched a full-scale digital campaign to expose, or at least embarrass, Saudi Arabia?

Like many hacking outfits, the Yemen Cyber Army has no spokesperson and releases few details. By its name, we are led to assume it’s based in Yemen — currently caught in a bloody proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran — but there is no proof. In conversations with BuzzFeed News and other news outlets in mid-May, individuals who associate themselves with the Yemen Cyber Army have claimed that they are in Yemen, though they refuse to speak Arabic or answer details about their location. Since Wikileaks began publishing the trove of diplomatic cables, they have gone dark, refusing to answer questions from journalists about how they came to work with Julian Assange.

Now, cybersecurity experts are digging in to try to figure out who was behind the massive breach of the Saudi foreign ministry and what type of further threat the group could pose to the region’s most secretive and wealthy government.

Boaz Dolev, head of ClearSky, an Israeli cybersecurity company that has studied the malware behind cyberattacks across the region, is convinced that the Iranian government is behind the group.

“Anyone who thinks a group of hackers from Yemen managed to hack into Saudi Arabia is delusional, or doesn’t understand anything about the world of hacking today,” he said by telephone from Israel. “Why would Iran want to put their name on this? Why would they claim responsibility when it is easier, cleaner, to throw the blame on another country?” he said.

ClearSky has identified a piece of malware that has been deployed against more than 550 targets — nearly half of them in Saudi Arabia, another 14% in Israel and 11% in Yemen.

Courtesy of ClearSky / Via

“We estimate that this access is used for espionage or other nation-state interests, and not for monetary gain or hacktivism,” Dolev wrote in a recently released report. “Various characteristics of the attacks and their targets bring us to the conclusion that the threat actors are Iranian,” he wrote. “The attackers speak and write in native Iranian Persian and make mistakes characteristic of Persian speakers. In one of the hacked accounts, when retrieved, the interface language had been changed to Persian.”

Dolev added that several of the IP addresses were traced back to locations in Iran. While his evidence seems strong, in the games of smoke and mirrors that get played in cyberespionage, countries can insert deceiving language or fake IP addresses to try to scapegoat another country. What seems certain, Dolev said, was that a nation-state was behind what he called “sophisticated and aggressive malware.” He said the attacks followed a pattern: First a targeted “spear-phishing” email designed to gain the trust of the target would be sent loaded with the malware that his firm has been tracking; then if that didn’t work more sophisticated follow-up attacks, ranging from false Gmail logins to YouTube pages, would be sent in an effort to access the target’s systems and install the malware.

Once installed, the malware entered the target's system, then gained access to the targets’ emails, documents, and other forms of communication, which the malware’s creator could then remotely access and copy. The ClearSky report concluded that it appeared to be built for espionage, as the malware exists in a computer without overtly malicious side effects and does not destroy the data it accesses.

The malware, which ClearSky calls Gholee, has other names among other cybersecurity companies, several of which likewise found links between it and Iran. The Tokyo-based cybersecurity company TrendMicro, found the malware in an Iranian-linked campaign they call Operation Woolen-Goldfish. The U.S.-based FireEye cybersecurity firm has connected the malware to a group they call the Ajax Security team, which they also conclude is based in Iran.

ClearSky, TrendMicro, and FireEye all concluded that it was likely the Iranian government behind the malware, rather than individuals in Iran, due to the resources and amount of time it would take to develop. Though Iran is hardly public about its cyberwarfare capabilities, researchers don’t believe Iran has the same type of organized pseudo-governmental hacking collectives that exist in China and Russia. In August 2012, when malware struck Saudi Aramco, the NSA concluded that the Iranian government was behind the malware, nicknamed Shamoon. They had created it, according to one NSA document, by mimicking a piece of malware (likely U.S.- or Israel-made) that years earlier had attacked and wiped clean computers in Iran’s oil ministry.

Dolev said that without looking through the computers at Saudi Arabia’s foreign ministry for evidence of Gholee in their systems, it was impossible to say with total certainty that they had been infected by the same malware his company has been tracing.

“I would say I am 90% certain, given the timing and the sophistication of this malware,” he said.

BuzzFeed News repeatedly asked Saudi officials if they could confirm that the malware identified by the cybersecurity companies was the same as that which infected the foreign ministry’s computers. Saudi officials, speaking through the country’s official press agency, said an investigation was ongoing, but refused to comment further. An official who answered the phone in Saudi Arabia’s interior ministry said that “sophisticated malware” had infected computers through a spear-phishing attack, though he declined to be named, saying he was not allowed to speak to journalists.

Seen in a video camera viewfinder, Saudi Arabian Ambassador Adel Al-Jubeir speaks about the Saudi military campaign in Yemen during a news conference.

Jacquelyn Martin / AP

Other online accounts, which openly expressed solidarity with the Yemen Cyber Army in 2014, began tweeting earlier this year that their movement had been taken over by Iran.

The Twitter users declined to give evidence of Iran’s involvement, but shorly after the tweets appeared they stopped tweeting with hashtags associated with the Yemen Cyber Army. BuzzFeed News reached out to 11 Twitter and Facebook users associated with the group for comment, but was told that at this time they were not interested in speaking to the press.

Wikileaks has refused to comment on the source of the diplomatic cables it released on Friday, though the coinciding with the Yemen Cyber Army hack is hard to ignore.

Wikileaks told BuzzFeed News:

The Yemen Cyber Army has made no explicit reference to Wikileaks, but they have pledged allegiance to the hacktivist collective Anonymous, saying in a statement posted alongside their original leak: “Your Network Hacked by Yemen Cyber Army. We Are Anonymous. We Are Everywhere. We Are Legion. We do Not Forgive. We do Not Forget. Stop Attacking Our Country.”

Because Anonymous exists as a nebulous organization, with no central command or anyone able to say a person or group isn’t a member, pledging allegiance to the group can often be used to try to distract from a hacker’s true allegiance.

Yemeni expatriates chant slogans during a protest against the Saudi-led coalition strikes on Yemen, in front of the Saudi Embassy, in Tehran, Iran.

Ebrahim Noroozi / AP

Since Wikileaks began releasing its cache of cables, Saudi Arabia has shifted from dismissing the leaks as a “minor breach” to, according to some Twitter users, warning its citizens that sharing the cables is a crime punishable by up to 20 years in prison. The leaks, which were originally limited to the passport information of individuals applying for visas to visit Saudi Arabia, have grown into a cache of documents that outlines Saudi Arabia’s resistance to the Iran talks and their advocacy in the West on behalf of GCC countries.

“There is no doubt that this is doing damage to Saudi Arabia’s interests across the region,” said a U.S. diplomat who spoke to BuzzFeed News by phone from Amman, Jordan. He asked to speak without attribution as he was not authorized to speak to the press. “The Arab-language news sites, especially the blogs, have been running with this story for days. Saudi Arabia is so notoriously secretive that even their allies can’t help gushing over cables that tell the inside story of what is going on there.”

The diplomat said he believed the hack was “very successful psychological warfare.”

Abdullah AlAli, chief executive officer of Cyberkov, a Kuwait-based cybersecurity company, told BuzzFeed News that his company has been studying the Yemen Cyber Army for months.

“It is clear that an unannounced cyber war is currently taking place in the Middle East, with no rules of engagement and no official declarations,” he said.


Why Robots Aren't Coming For Your Job — Yet

Posted By: Admin - 8:14 AM

In the booming field of industrial robotics, the race is on to create a machine that can actually replace human workers. But even with the brightest minds in automation on the project, human-less labor is more science fiction than near future.

On a sweltering afternoon in San Jose, California, in the cafeteria of a brand-new building called the Blue Sky Innovation Center, a robot is making a salad. Specifically, it's making a kale salad with goat cheese, blueberries, and sunflower seeds, partially heating the mixture to lightly melt the cheese.

Brendan Klinkenberg and Caroline O'Donovan / BuzzFeed

Brendan Klinkenberg and Caroline O'Donovan / BuzzFeed

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Twitter Stops Inserting Random Favorites Into Your Timeline

Posted By: Admin - 5:02 AM

For the time being, anyway …

An experimental Twitter feature that outraged some of the platform's population upon release is now dead.

Last year, Twitter began inserting Tweets into people's timelines after those tweets were favorited -- not retweeted -- by people they follow. The experiment is no longer running, BuzzFeed News has learned.

The practice angered some Twitter users, who where upset the company had broken with its traditional model where only tweets and retweets are broadcast to followers.

Around the time it was introduced, departing Twitter CEO Dick Costolo defended the practice in a pair of tweets to frustrated users.

Twitter frequently experiments with the way tweets are presented. "We're constantly working to make it even easier to follow what you care about, connect with people and discover something new on Twitter," the company said in a 2013 blog post. "These tests are essential to delivering the best possible user experience."

So there is a chance favorited tweets will show up in your timeline in some form again. But for the time being, at least, the activity has stopped across the platform.

Twitter declined a request for comment.

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Uber's Biggest Chinese Competitor To Shareholders: We're Killing It

Posted By: Admin - 3:11 AM

In a letter to shareholders, Didi Kuaidi said it controls 80% of the private car market and 99% of the taxi-hailing market in China.

STR / Getty Images

The battle for dominance in China's ride-hailing market is now a war of words as well. Weeks after Uber CEO Travis Kalanick penned a letter telling the company's investors its drivers are making close to 1 million trips every day in China, and it plans to pour $1 billion into the market to help them make even more, Didi Kuaidi — Uber's biggest competitor in the country — issued a similarly triumphant letter. Turns out Didi Kuaidi, which is in the midst of a major fundraising round, is also doing quite well in China — so well, that CEO Cheng Wei is considering extending its fundraising beyond $1.5 billion.

"In just five days, we were oversubscribed," Cheng Wei wrote to shareholders. "We may plan to upsize given the oversubscription."

Backed with existing funding from Chinese e-commerce and web giants Ali Baba, Tencent, and Sina, Didi Kuadi has seen considerable growth in ride volume. Private car requests have gone from 1 million to 3 million per day, and taxi requests tare at 3 million. As it stands, according to Wei, Didi Kuadi controls 80% of the private car market and 99% of the taxi-hailing market and is in 360 cities across China. Uber, which is backed by Chinese web giant Baidu, is only in 11 cities, and sees about 1 million ride requests per day.

"With advantages in scale and operational efficiency, we can provide more ride orders to drivers than competitors," Wei wrote. "Even in cities with fierce competition, our per ride subsidies is only one-fifth that of competitors."

And in a poke at Uber's strategy of wooing drivers in China with big bonuses, Wei said that Didi Kuadi takes a more thoughtful approach to such incentives. "We offer promotions to encourage drivers' and users' behavior engagement and develop the market, but we are disciplined at the magnitude of subsidies," he wrote. "We have recognized that excessive subsidies such as two to three times the fare can encourage fraud and are detrimental to the market."

As BuzzFeed News reported, Didi Kuadi plans to offer a robust transportation platform that extends beyond simply car-hailing. Already the company has launched its own designated driver service and a carpooling service called Hitch. It plans to offer a shuttle service as an offshoot of Hitch, as well.

"In one month before its launch, Hitch has attracted 1 million car owners to sign up," BuzzFeed News reported of the company's carpooling service launched in early June. "At its launching day in Beijing, we have seen 100,000 Hitch orders on daily basis. Hitch will be the first breakthrough in China's sharing economy, bringing happiness to the people who are willing to share."

Here are some screenshots of the letter obtained by BuzzFeed News:

Here are some screenshots of the letter obtained by BuzzFeed News:

BuzzFeed News

BuzzFeed News

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News Corp's Education Company Will Stop Making Tablets

Posted By: Admin - 1:52 AM

Students using Amplify's tablets.

Amplify, the education company owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corp, will stop selling the tablet computers that were once a central part of the company's plan to shake up the education industry, according to a person familiar with the matter.

Despite an almost $1 billion investment by News Corp, Amplify has struggled to gain a foothold in education, which its CEO, Joel Klein, had described as an industry ripe for disruption. Its bright-orange, "ruggedized" tablets were often at the root of its troubles: plagued by technical glitches, the first batch of them was recalled after a high-profile $15 million launch in Greensboro, NC.

Ultimately, few districts bought the devices, and the head of Amplify's tablet business left the company earlier this year. News that Amplify was giving up on the tablets was first reported by Bloomberg.

The devices were Amplify's first product. Billing itself as a hybrid technology-and-education business, Amplify built the tablets to work hand-in-hand with its own digital curriculum.

The company's talk has always been big: Klein said in an interview with BuzzFeed News last year that he saw Amplify's tech savvy enabling it to compete with the education industry's textbook giants, Pearson, Houghton-Mifflin, and McGraw-Hill. The company's "educational DNA," Klein said, gave it an advantage over companies like Apple and Google, whose devices now dominate many digital classrooms.

“There’s a sense that we’re doing something very big and very exciting," Klein said last April.

Amplify's struggles show that in an industry as entrenched as education, disruption, even for well-funded companies, is difficult. Despite talk of a "digital revolution" underway in the education system, the three largest textbook companies remain dominant, continuing to win massive contracts with large and bureaucratic school systems that often prefer to stick with the products they have used for decades.

A source familiar with the matter said the company would continue to focus on its digital curriculum products, which have features like embedded videos and work on a variety of devices. It will also keep pushing a newer line of assessment tools. School districts already using the devices will continue to be serviced by Amplify, the company said in a statement.


There's A Loophole In Poland's Abortion Law And It's Drone-Sized

Posted By: Admin - 12:50 AM

Abortion drugs are mostly illegal there — except, maybe, if you fly them in.

This is a quadcopter being tested by Deutsche Post in 2013, but same concept, really

Andreas Rentz / Getty Images

A drone will fly across the German-Polish border on Saturday to bring medical abortion pills to as many as five Polish women, who otherwise don't have access to abortion.

Abortion has been basically illegal in Poland since 1993, but Dutch abortion advocacy group Women on Waves is betting on a legal loophole which founder Rebecca Gomperts says legitimately lets the group fly abortion pills in by unmanned aircraft.

"Unmanned" is is the key. If you drove the pills across the border, or you carried in them your suitcase, you could be prosecuted under Polish law for helping someone get an abortion, Gomperts explained. "But because the drone is being flown in from Germany, there's [technically] nobody delivering it," Gomperts said.

Poland's law allows abortions only in cases where the health or life of the mother is at risk. Even then, Gomperts said, providers can be reluctant to provide the service.

Gomperts said they've been looking at using drones and other technology in this way for awhile, but it's only in the last year that the batteries of drones have had a life long enough to plan a mission.

A "medical abortion" has about the same effects on the body as a spontaneous miscarriage and can be completed easily with instructions by a woman on her own, according to Women on the Waves. The World Health Organization (WHO) calls the procedure "safe and effective." Medical abortion can be induced in pregnancies up to 9 weeks by taking a combination of mifepristone and misoprostol. The pills are both on the WHO's list of essential medicines, but they aren't legally available in Poland.

There are less than 1,000 abortions annually in Poland, by official statistics, but Women on the Waves estimates that there may be as many as 200,000 illegal abortions conducted there, for around $3000.

A BuzzFeed/Ipsos poll from May found that nearly a third of Polish people support unrestricted abortion.

Abortion is freely available in most of the rest of the European Union, and Gomperts said Polish women of with money can and do travel to other countries to access abortion.

"It's a new social injustice because women with money can easily travel to Germany or Netherlands or any other country, or pay a doctor the two or three thousand euros an abortion cost," Gomperts said. 'It's women without financial means that are bearing the consequences of the restrictive laws."


Inside The Very Strange, Very Heated, Kanye West Forum Wars

Posted By: Admin - 11:45 PM

No one fan should have all that power.

Getty / Michelle Riall / BuzzFeed

On a typical Friday afternoon, visitors to Kanye To The — the self-proclaimed largest Kanye West fan forum on the Web, with about 10,000 registered members — might find a thread dedicated to pics of Kanye off-roading with the fam for Father's Day or guessing the name of Kanye's soon-to-be-born son, or a heated discussion about how Kanye might release his next album. But at 1 p.m. on the afternoon of Friday May 22, they found something else entirely. An error message in block text at the top of the page declaring the website "503 Not Available."

Kanye To The had been hacked, and a tiny, insular, sometimes very obsessive corner of the internet erupted.

Rumors began swirling on forums and Twitter that Yeezy Talk — a newer, smaller Kanye forum — had initiated a DDoS attack to bring its larger, more established counterpart down. Conspiracy theories were floated. Threats were made. Someone set up a GoFundMe page to attempt to raise funds for airfare to go confront the founder of Yeezy Talk in person and "beat his ass."

What Kanye To The usually looks like.

Kanye To The

The communities that congregate on Kanye West forums are essentially (more) diverse, rap-obsessed, fashion-conscious Reddits, and their audiences are big enough to warrant banner ads, and any money that comes with it. (Kanye To The wouldn't reveal any revenue numbers, however). Discussions on the forums are ostensibly about Kanye's music, but they quickly come to encompass the entire hip-hop landscape, which today means dedicated threads to Drake, Kid Cudi, and Lil Wayne, among others. Like Kanye himself, they often make a detour into clothing: WDYWT, an abbreviation for What Did You Wear Today, is a popular thread on which teens post selfies of their outfits for the rest of the community to critique. Eventually, like all forums, they devolve into the inane, the opinionated, and the self-referential.

The forums usually come to be in succession, rather than an ecosystem; different forums eclipse each other every few years. They are far from friendly with each other, often competing to absorb any rap fans willing to pour time and effort — it's not uncommon to see users with upward of 50,000 posts on Kanye To The — into each community. And now, it seemed, that competition has escalated to hacking each other.

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What Our Tweets And Google Searches Say About Our Health

Posted By: Admin - 10:25 PM

Researchers are mining social media for insights into our well-being — or lack thereof.

Alice Mongkongllite / BuzzFeed

For years, Alicia McGarry's elementary school–age sons tended to get sick easily. But two years ago, McGarry downloaded Sickweather, an app that broadcasts infectious illness warnings based on location-specific chatter on social media. Now, when an alert goes around, the 35-year-old mother doubles down on cold and flu precautions, reminding her boys to wash their hands and eat leafy greens. "We've been able to minimize family illness," McGarry, of Kansas City, Missouri, told BuzzFeed News.

We yak endlessly on social media about our lives and the physical discomforts we sometimes encounter as we live them. We tweet about our headaches and chills, and seek solace on Facebook when we're feverish. In doing so, we're creating an unprecedented trove of anecdotal health data. And now researchers are digging through it to unearth some surprising things about our well-being — or lack thereof.

One of the first programs in this vein, Google Flu Trends, attempted to use aggregated search data to instantly estimate flu outbreaks worldwide, though its accuracy was questioned by some critics. That was 2008, though, and the flu was just the start. Researchers have since tapped other social media reservoirs — namely Twitter — to search for new insights into mental health, hospital admissions, heart disease mortality, and air pollution. Meanwhile, startups like Sickweather, which tracks and maps reports of illness on social media, and Iodine, which crowdsources medication reviews, are now translating digital health complaints into meaningful information for people who aren't doctors and data scientists.

Sickweather CEO Graham Dodge claims that his app has successfully warned people about the start of flu season before the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention did, and beat Chicago media in identifying whooping cough around the area. Dodge, whose background is in web development, started the company about four years ago, after he'd contracted a stomach virus and saw a friend complaining of similar symptoms on Facebook. "That's when it occurred to me that social media could be used as a valid source of health data — if it could be mined correctly [and] you could reduce the signal-to-noise ratio," Dodge told BuzzFeed News.

A snapshot of ailments in the San Francisco Bay Area on June 25, according to Sickweather.

Sickweather / Via

And there is a lot of noise. That's one reason some scientists look askance at efforts like the one Dodge is undertaking with Sickweather. Having "Bieber fever" and being "so hot right now" are clearly not clinical symptoms, though software — unaware of such colloquialisms — might flag them as such. Avid social media users also aren't necessarily representative of the population. For those reasons, public health agencies are taking a cautious approach to social media health analytics.

"Kids under 13 aren't allowed to sign up for [Twitter] accounts. Adults who are over 65 are less likely to be present on Twitter," said Dr. Matthew Biggerstaff, an epidemiologist at the CDC, which has experimented with flu tracking on social media. "Those are groups where we feel like we might not be getting as complete a picture on social media as we do in our more traditional surveillance systems, where we have good coverage of all age groups in the U.S."

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Move Aside Dollar Shave Club, Here Comes Dollar Beard Club

Posted By: Admin - 5:27 AM

“You sure as hell won’t be receiving any f***ing razors from us to demolish your manhood”

For years, bearded men have longingly watched their clean-shaven counterparts enjoy the service of a subscription company that sends them razors every month for just $1 (plus $2 shipping and handling).

These men have endured knockoffs of said company's launch video catering towards everyone (yes, even Train fans) but them. But today is a new day. Dollar Beard Club is finally here.

Reached via phone in what he called a "bad ass restaurant" in Berlin, the man in the video above, who gave his name as "Chris, the mystery dude, man" (but is likely entrepreneur Chris Stoikos), said Dollar Beard Club launched two days ago and has already signed up 2,000 subscribers -- each paying an average price of $15 to $20 per month for its products.

Asked about the possibility of litigation from Dollar Shave Club, Chris said he's not worried. "We did our due diligence before we started," he said.

Dollar Shave Club declined to comment.


Anti-Uber French Taxi Drivers Are Burning Tires And Overturning Cars

Posted By: Admin - 4:26 AM

The cabbies have also blocked access to motorway exits, railway stations, and airports.

French taxi drivers are on strike throughout the country to protest against UberPop, one of the services offered by the American online cab-hailing service Uber.

French taxi drivers are on strike throughout the country to protest against UberPop, one of the services offered by the American online cab-hailing service Uber.

Thomas Samson / Getty Images

In Paris, the cabbies blocked access to motorway exits, airports, and railway stations. Photos from news agencies and social media showed cars being overturned or vandalized.

In Paris, the cabbies blocked access to motorway exits, airports, and railway stations. Photos from news agencies and social media showed cars being overturned or vandalized.

Charles Platiau / Reuters

French media showed images of the burning tires and blockades, while police in riot gear at one point intervened using tear gas, the BBC reported.

French media showed images of the burning tires and blockades, while police in riot gear at one point intervened using tear gas, the BBC reported.

Kenzo Tribouillard / Getty Images

The drivers are opposed to UberPop because, they say, it will bring cutthroat competition to the market.

The drivers are opposed to UberPop because, they say, it will bring cutthroat competition to the market.

Michel Euler / AP

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Apple Boots Games Featuring Confederate Flag From The App Store

Posted By: Admin - 2:18 AM

The company is working with game developers affected by the decision to reinstate their apps.

Hunted Cow

Apple announced Thursday that games like Ultimate General: Gettysburg and Hunted Cow Civil War games will no longer be available in the App Store.

"We have removed apps from the App Store that use the Confederate flag in offensive or mean-spirited ways, which is in violation of our guidelines," an Apple spokesperson told BuzzFeed News. "We are not removing apps that display the Confederate flag for educational or historical uses."

A source close to the company also informed BuzzFeed News that Apple is "working actively" with game developers affected by the decision to reinstate their apps. In order to do that, they'll need to replace the Confederate flag.


Palantir Valued At $20 Billion In New Funding Round

Posted By: Admin - 1:26 AM

The secretive data-processing company is raising up to $500 million in a previously undisclosed round of funding. The round makes it the third most valuable startup in the United States.

Palantir CEO Alex Karp.

Nati Harnik / AP

By managing data for government agencies and Wall Street banks, Palantir Technologies has grown into one of the most valuable venture-backed companies in Silicon Valley. Now it is adding billions to its already rich valuation.

Palantir is raising up to $500 million in new capital at a valuation of $20 billion, people briefed on the matter told BuzzFeed News, insisting on anonymity to discuss the confidential deal. The 11-year-old company previously raised money late last year at a $15 billion valuation.

The new round of funding, which has not been previously disclosed, reflects investors' eagerness to gain access to a startup seen as one of the most successful in the world. Little is known about the details of Palantir's business, beyond reports about its data-processing software being used to fight terror and catch financial criminals.

But the secrecy apparently didn't bother investors, who are said to have been impressed by Palantir's growth in the first quarter of this year. One person close to the company said it had more than $1 billion of cash in the bank.

Beyond its high-level connections in government, Palantir is also tied to some of the most powerful figures in Silicon Valley. Its co-founders include Peter Thiel, the prominent venture capitalist, and Joe Lonsdale, who is now a partner at the venture capital firm Formation 8. Among its earliest investors was In-Q-Tel, the venture capital arm of the C.I.A.

With a $20 billion valuation, Palantir is estimated to be the third most valuable startup in the United States. Its worth is surpassed only by Uber, which is said to have a $50 billion valuation, and by Airbnb, which was recently reported by the Wall Street Journal to be raising money at a $24 billion valuation.

Palantir, led by CEO Alex Karp, has been able to attract powerful customers in a number of sectors, including finance, energy, healthcare and government. According to a New York Times report last year, the company has helped JPMorgan Chase identify fraud and even helped Hershey make more money from its chocolate.

Like much about the company, the latest funding round is a closely guarded secret. A spokesperson for Palantir declined to comment.


Facebook's New Diversity Numbers Aren't Much Different Than The Old Ones

Posted By: Admin - 1:26 AM

“There’s more work to do.”

Facebook released its annual diversity numbers today and they're not all that different from those of a year ago. The company is still largely male and white -- particularly in its leadership.

In May of 2013, Facebook was 69% male and 57% white. As of June 2014, it is 68% male and 55% white. "While we have achieved positive movement over the last year, it's clear to all of us that we still aren't where we want to be," said Facebook Global Director of Diversity Maxine Williams in a blog post. "There's more work to do."

Here are the top line stats from last year

Here are the top line stats from last year

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How Reddit Works As An Incubator Of Hate

Posted By: Admin - 1:26 AM

Reddit’s decision to police “behavior, not ideas” isn’t just foolish — it’s reckless.

Reddit allows communities like this to exist under its "banning behavior, not ideas" strategy.


If, last week, as the world mourned the brutal church murder of nine black men and women in Charleston, South Carolina, you were to visit Reddit's most popular racist community and scroll down the right side of the landing page — just past the rotating memorial image carousel of white people who've been murdered, injured, or robbed by black people — you'd see Reddit's familiarly cheerful alien logo, originally drawn by Reddit co-founder and chair Alexis Ohanian. Above that logo was a screenshot, taken from a comment Reddit CEO Ellen Pao made the week prior regarding Reddit's decision to shut down five hateful subreddit communities. It read, "We're banning behavior, not ideas." And sitting above Pao's screenshot and Ohanian's creation rested three lines of bolded and shadowed text: "Coontown Supported By Reddit."


It was a striking little triptych, and one that was intended to provoke visitors while simultaneously justifying the existence of a virulently anti-black web forum that is growing at a rapid clip:

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Taylor Swift's "1989" Will Be On Apple Music

Posted By: Admin - 11:19 PM

After speaking out about the company’s policies, the reigning queen of pop has picked a streaming service.

Via YouTube

You finally have a place to stream 1989.

Soon after singlehandedly taking on Apple's new streaming policies and winning, Taylor Swift has announced that her latest album will be available on the about-to-debut Apple Music.

It's a coup for the computing giant's new service, as Swift has pulled all her music from competitor Spotify, arguing that it doesn't pay artists enough for their labor.

According to a follow-up tweet from Apple Senior Vice President Eddy Cue, '1989' will be available on Apple Music starting June 30.

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A Big LGBT Health Study Is Coming To The iPhone

Posted By: Admin - 5:31 PM

A new app using Apple’s ResearchKit aims to understand the health of an understudied population.

A man waves a rainbow flag during the annual Gay Pride Parade in Tel Aviv, Israel.

Ariel Schalit / AP

We don't know as much as we'd like about the role sexual orientation and gender identity play in health and wellness. And though there's a clear need for it, comprehensive medical research into the health needs of the LGBT population can be tough to find. The Institute of Medicine summed it up this way in 2011: LGBT people "have unique health experiences and needs, but as a nation, we do not know exactly what these experiences and needs are." It wasn't until two years ago that Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's annual National Health Interview Survey even accounted for sexual orientation.

Now, a team of researchers at the University of California, San Francisco is gearing up for what may prove to be the largest national study of LGBT health ever — and it's using the iPhone to do it.

Dubbed the PRIDE Study, the effort will use an iPhone app based on Apple's new ResearchKit software framework to assess the special health needs of the LGBT population. UCSF researchers plan to survey people about a broad range of health risk factors that may include HIV/AIDS, smoking, cancer, obesity, and depression. And they hope that the PRIDE Study app and the iPhone's vast user base will deepen medical research into transgender and bisexual individuals — both relatively understudied populations compared to lesbians and gay men.

"The main question there is, what is the relationship between being LGBTQ — or more broadly a sexual or gender minority person — and mental and physical health?" Mitchell Lunn, co-director of The PRIDE Study and a clinical research fellow at UCSF, told BuzzFeed News. The app is debuting in June, LGBT Pride Month, just days before San Francisco's annual Pride parade and ahead of an expected Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage.


"It is a research project that has very few peers in terms of scope and in terms of number of people and length of time," said Hector Vargas, executive director of GLMA: Health Professionals Advancing LGBT Equality, one of 42 organizations advising The PRIDE Study app.

Lunn said Apple employees were enthusiastic about the app, given the company's advocacy for LGBT equality under CEO Tim Cook, who said he was "proud to be gay" in a Bloomberg Businessweek article last October, and more recently criticized state legislation that could allow business owners to deny service to LGBT customers based on the owners' religious beliefs.

The PRIDE Study app, now available in the App Store or by texting PRIDESTUDY to 74121, is the latest to be built on ResearchKit, Apple's software framework that allows clinicians to conduct research through iPhone apps. Until now, the only available ResearchKit apps — for heart disease, breast cancer, Parkinson's disease, asthma, and diabetes — have been the five that went live at the time of Apple's announcement in March.

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The Internet's United Nations Of White Nationalists

Posted By: Admin - 4:15 AM

Stormfront, America’s preeminent “hate site”, has become a hub for white supremacy around the globe.

The white power ideology espoused by Dylann Roof, who last week murdered nine African-Americans at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, has brought Stormfront, the internet's preeminent white nationalist destination, back into the national spotlight. Though Roof hasn't been linked to the website, Stormfront's size and history — according to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), Stormfront was "the first major hate site on the Internet" — make it a natural symbol of American race hate in the 21st century. It is nearly a metonym for the white supremacist internet.

But while Stormfront's roots are Southern (it was founded by Don Black, an Alabama-born former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan), today the community is a global rather than a regional phenomenon. Nearly half of its traffic comes from outside the U.S., and it boasts subforums in a dozen languages. In a New York Times op-ed on Monday entitled "White Supremacists Without Borders," Morris Dees and J. Richard Cohen, the founder and president of the SPLC, discussed the international influences on Roof's ideology:

White nationalists look beyond borders for confirmation that their race is under attack, and they share their ideas in the echo chamber of racist websites.

Indeed, while the antebellum and Jim Crow South may be the most resonant symbols of white supremacy for Americans, Stormfront reveals the white nationalist internet as a complexly international place, where a narrative of "global struggle" has subsumed local racial conflicts. Free speech protections under the First Amendment make Stormfront the ideal destination for white supremacists living in countries where their ideology is legally suppressed. Stormfront is not just a hangout for American white supremacists, it is a hub that brings together white nationalists from around the world.

"White supremacists don't see themselves as members of countries, but members of a white tribe," Heidi Beirich, the head of the SPLC's Intelligence Project, told BuzzFeed News. "That's the ideology that they're pushing."

Stormfront makes recent traffic data public, and even those limited numbers are revealing. More than 40% of the site's traffic over the past three months comes from outside the U.S., including 10% from the United Kingdom. That, according to Black, is low; he told BuzzFeed News that foreign traffic has hovered around half of the total since he started using Google Analytics five years ago. And the city that sent the most visitors to Stormfront in that time period isn't Atlanta or Charleston; it's London.

These foreign visitors don't go to Stormfront to read about race war in America, necessarily. Instead, they flock to thriving, country-specific subforums, where they share news reports of violence against white people and lament the decline of white influence. Thriving: Stormfront Britain features some 100,000 threads and nearly a million posts; the Netherlands, 29,000 threads and almost 350,000 posts; Australia, 16,000 threads and 190,000 posts; and Canada, 14,000 threads and 120,000 posts. Serbia, Croatia, South Africa, France, Ireland, Poland, Russia, Hungary, and Spain all have active pages.

Google Trends data shows Americans search for Stormfront proportionally far less than other nations. Since 2005, Serbia, Croatia, and the United Kingdom have showed, proportionally, the most search interest in Stormfront. (The U.S. is ninth by this metric, after New Zealand, showing a third of the level of search interest as Serbia.)

There, according to the SPLC, white nationalists from different countries share ideas and recruitment tactics. One notable example: the "Mantra," a 2006 dispatch by the American white supremacist Bob Whitaker that warns of a "White Genocide," infamously equates "anti-racism" with "anti-whiteness" and has grown enormously popular on the white nationalist internet. According to Heidi Beirich, the "Mantra" has spread over the internet to become popular in other countries, including the Scandinavian nations. (Anders Breivik, the white supremacist terrorist who murdered 77 Norweigans in 2011, was a poster on Stormfront.)

In a phone interview, Black told BuzzFeed News that the global exchange of ideas is part of Stormfront's mission: "It's an international struggle, of course. We're fighting for the survival of our people. We're suffering from genocide. Our numbers are declining worldwide. We have no white countries anymore."

Stormfront has had an international presence from the very beginning. The site launched in 1995 with Spanish- and German-language sections; within a month or two, with Black's permission, Russian readers had set up a mirror,

America's robust speech protections are one of the major reasons foreign white nationalists — particularly those in Western Europe — came to Stormfront in such numbers. According to Black, who lives in Florida, it's simply too risky for like-minded parties in those countries to set up their own sites. In 2002, Black shuttered the Stormfront auf Deutsch subforum because there were so many undercover German police accounts that he felt the moderators were in legal danger. And in 2012, Italian police arrested four moderators of that country's Stormfront affiliate and shut down the site.

In the U.S., strict enforcement of Stormfront's first guideline for posting ("DO NOT advocate or suggest any activity which is illegal under U.S. law") helps keep the site on the right side of the law. Indeed, Stormfront is enabled by active moderation. To a certain degree, that holds true in the foreign boards. In administrative forums, international moderators discuss users who come too close to violating the guidelines for posting, as well as conflicts that invariably arise among posters from different countries (recently, Russian and Ukrainian Stormfront posters have clashed).

But ensuring that these subforums don't encourage violence is a particularly difficult task when they are written in more obscure languages. The SPLC singled out the South Africa subforum, written in Afrikaans, as a particularly hateful one. Black says that Stormfront has "had a few problems" with the Afrikaans forum, and that he doesn't know the current moderator.

"We don't necessarily know what's going on in these forums," he said.

Black told BuzzFeed that this lack of control led him to consider making Stormfront an all-English website, but that he decided against it. It's a risk, one that causes Black to worry, paradoxically, about the same thing as the SPLC: lone wolf killers who may use the site.

"Our enemies try to use this," Black said. "But there's nothing we can do about that except prohibit the discussion of illegal violence."

That, right now, appears to be the main conflict for Stormfront: how to spread the idea of white nationalism throughout the world while staying within the letter of American law. The next Dylann Roof may not live in the South, or in the United States at all.


Slack Hits 1 Million Daily Active Users, Hires Ex-Twitter Director As Head of Platform

Posted By: Admin - 11:54 PM

Chat battle heats up.


Slack is proving that the battle for chat app supremacy is far from settled.

Despite chat's basic functionality and its long history as part of the web (remember AIM?), Slack is making significant inroads in the workplace, where its platform is now used by 1.1 million people every day.

According to a new batch of data released by Slack today, over 300,000 people use the premium, paid version of its software — a base that has helped it build $25 million dollars in annual recurring revenue.

Slack also announced it has hired April Underwood, Twitter's former Director of Product, as its Head of Platform.

"Slack will become an even more powerful product as the platform evolves. We'll be making it easier for established enterprise applications and app developers to grow their businesses." said Underwood in a release.

Founded sixteen months ago, Slack has raised $340 million from Accel, Andreessen Horowitz, Google Ventures and more.


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