These Chewable Coffee Cubes Help Nerds Feel Like Nike Athletes

Posted By: Admin - 9:25 PM

Dan Schwartzbaum / Via Nootrobox

The lobby of the WeWork on San Francisco’s Market Street looks like The Truman Show, but for startups: It’s the middle of the afternoon, and people are actually playing ping pong. The jug of complimentary “fresh fruit water” is icy and glistening. Stay in the same place long enough and the same Macbook-toting twentysomething is bound to loop by again.

On a sunny day in late January, Nootrobox co-founder Michael Brandt ventured onto this soundstage for startup utopia to talk about his company’s newest product: a line of chewable coffee-flavored gummy bites called Go Cubes. They, like all of Nootrobox’s wares, are nootropics: substances designed to make you think harder, better, and faster, also known as smart drugs. (Nootropics are typically marketed as dietary supplements, which are not reviewed by the FDA, although the agency has issued warning letters. Nootrobox says it only uses ingredients that the FDA has classified as generally safe.) Brandt strode into the lobby wearing a neon baseball hat that said “THINKING CAP.” See? It's unnerving when reality is too on the nose.

Go Cubes represent a big departure from Nootrobox’s other products, a trifecta of pills called Rise, Sprint, and Yawn, which are supposed to help you start the day alert, conquer deadlines, and ease into sleep, respectively, and come in spartan glass containers. The cubes, on the other hand, come in bright packaging that Brandt told BuzzFeed News was inspired by Winnie the Pooh’s honey pot and Keith Haring. Nootrobox raised the money for Go Cubes through an Indiegogo campaign and also has funding from Andreessen Horowitz. The geometric treats begin selling online today.

Each Go Cube contains as much caffeine as half a cup of coffee, as well as six grams of sugar. The nootropic elements are B-complex vitamins and l-theanine, an amino acid found in green tea. (L-theanine plus caffeine is a popular pairing to start with because the combination reduces jitters.)

Brandt hopes that Go Cubes will introduce consumers to the idea that “your smartness is something to be optimized,” he said. “Own the fact that when you’re going to get coffee, 80% of the time you’re doing it to enhance your work abilities somehow.” And if coffee drinkers are trying to “modulate” performance, “Wouldn’t you want something more precise than coffee?” he said. “That’s our whole hypothesis there.”

He opened up a fat jar of cubes before we made our way to a conference room, so that I could try one. It tasted sweetly dank, like the first sip of a cold brew coffee, but with a Haribo mouthfeel and no hint of bitterness. My editor later described the taste as “synthetic,” but said she loved it.

Michelle Rial / BuzzFeed News

Brandt believes that Go Cubes could be a breakthrough product. “We’re just trying to take over the world so that this is an iconic logo before anyone else can fast follow us,” he said, pointing to the Haring + Winnie design. “For every Coca-Cola, there’s a Pepsi and a bunch of others. That’s OK as long as we’re the Coca-Cola.”

Brandt was an associate product manager for YouTube, and his co-founder Geoff Woo is a former product manager at Groupon. Although Nootrobox’s line of pills is taking off, Brandt said he recognizes the limits of the company’s reach. “Ninety-nine percent of the world has never tried a nootropics in general, hasn’t heard about Nootrobox.” Chewable coffee seemed like a good gateway food. It looks approachable and it’s portable so you can take it “on a long road trip or when you’re going hiking or into outer space,” he explained, but didn’t specify the planet.

Later this week, Go Cubes will be available on Amazon Launchpad, a portal for all things startup or crowdfunded. Brandt said he got the Amazon introduction through Andreessen Horowitz, which has also invested in BuzzFeed. The most popular items on the launchpad right now include Sphero’s app-controlled BB-8 robot and FitBark, a dog activity monitor.

Nootrobox co-founder Michael Brandt at WeWork

Nitasha Tiku / BuzzFeed News

Roughly two minutes after we moved from the lobby to a conference room, I asked Brandt if it was possible to feel the effects already. I had walked into WeWork groggy, but suddenly found myself on a higher plane of mental acuity. Shit was coming together. Ideas were ~~~~connecting~~~~. Brandt and I had a sharp-angled conversation about unexplored corners of human physiology, the earliest uses of caffeine in Ethiopia, how to achieve peak cognitive performance, and Elon Musk’s theory about first principles. I felt like I was on office Molly.

Half an hour later, I started to crash. Brandt’s and my conversation grew sluggish. Overall, it felt like good part of a caffeine high, but a little higher, a little more focused, and without the dehydration. After a week or so of eating cubes, my peaks and valleys flattened somewhat, but I still felt like the cubes were effective.

My colleagues’ reactions were mixed. The same editor said the cubes “were like Adderall but less sweaty.” Another co-worker who had two cups of coffee before trying the Go Cube said: “OK, very suddenly, I’m jacked,” adding, “I kind of think I may need to go for a run.” One writer said she had been “depending on them to get over the 1pm lunch slump” and may be addicted. “WHAT SORCERY IS IN THOSE WEIRD CUBES ON THE TABLE. I’M SO AWAKE AFTER BEING SO TIRED,” said one of the journalism lab fellows, while another called the gummy bites sugar bombs of evil.

Go Cubes capitalize on a few shifting trends among tech workers, as well as widespread changes in workplace culture and health. That may sound highfalutin’ for a sugar-coated pick-me-up. But marketing and pedigree mean something in tech — otherwise columnists for top newspapers wouldn’t keep reviewing Soylent, earnestly asking each time if a venture-backed beverage could “replace” or “end” food.

Among Silicon Valley locals, the idea of smart coffee plays into the idealization of the hacker lifestyle and the drive to self-optimize — both of which tie into the industry’s insistence that personal fulfillment comes from work, rather than out-of-office pursuits. In terms of more mainstream phenomenons, Go Cubes fits thematically into Americans working longer hours and the growing anxiety around productivity, whether that’s keeping up with the pace of news and technology, or just one’s inbox. Oh, and our coffee addiction.

“Humans are the next platform,” Brandt explained. “Five or six years ago if someone was measuring their footsteps, they were a crazy person, right? That wasn’t a normal thing. But now your aunt or your cousin can have a Fitbit and they don’t consider themselves a biohacker, they just have an Apple Watch.” Brandt sees an increasing interest in treating ourselves like machines. “We want better insight into how our body is performing and we want better ability to affect it,” he said. “We want to be able to pull the levers.”

Dan Schwartzbaum

Venture capitalists and founders sometimes make analogies to computing in order to justify funding low-tech small businesses — perhaps because tech startups command higher valuations than, say, a power bar company.

People in the nootropics or quantified self “movement” use the word “stack” to describe their regimen of pills. Bodybuilders use supplement stacks, but in software, a stack is a set of applications or subsystems needed to build platforms or websites. (Rumor has it that Facebook prefers hired “full-stack” engineers.) Nootrobox sells all three pills together in a package called the Full Stack.

Another way to align your company with Silicon Valley is by having the same heroes. Brandt told me Nootrobox has modeled its approach after what Elon Musk calls "first principles" — in other words, stripping something down to the basics so you can be truly innovative. When it comes to coffee, Brandt said, that means: “What do people want? What actually works? What are the intended effects?”

The on-the-nose vibe around Nootrobox comes from the prevalence of all these startup tropes: for example, the tech industry’s infatuation with new entrants over experience and expertise. “We’re both pretty young, we’re 27, so for better or for worse, I think mainly for better, we don’t have huge decades of experience in supplements,” said Brandt. Consumers have found Nootrobox “refreshing,” he said, compared with the supplements industry, where companies tout proprietary blends that turn out to contain “whatever happens to be on deck.”

Then again, if channeling Elon Musk is what it takes to get to chewable coffee, more power to them. Whether Go Cubes goes mainstream or only lasts a month, it made me more aware of how mindless it is to reach for a cup of coffee when I just want to feel smarter.

Dan Schwartzbaum

Nootrobox rejected 200 other ideas — including selling Sprint as an energy shot and making a chewable version in fruit flavors — before arriving at the obvious conclusion of chewable coffee: “Coffee connotes a performance aspect that lemon just doesn’t,” said Brandt. He and Woo made a down payment for R&D with a factory in Los Angeles that does “truckloads a day of jellybeans, gummy multi-vites, and things like that,” Brandt said. They opted to coat the cubes in a fine layer of sugar so they don’t stick together, he said, spinning the jar around.

To make Go Cubes more mainstream, Nootrobox also changed the tone of its advertising. The commercial for the gummy bites is loud, friendly, and “super hammed up," whereas the commercial for the pills was designed to talk to “our tribe,” Brandt told me. “There’s something really fascinating when you look at a computer programmer or a really elite day trader — someone that’s really good at the work they do, that busts their butt, that puts in super long hours, like a Ph.D. in a science lab — and when you look at a person like that through the lens of how you would look at a professional athlete.” These elite workers are achieving the same marvelous levels of proficiency “as your Super Bowl athletes, but they’re doing it in Node.js and they work at some startup,” he said, referring to a popular tool for JavaScript developers.

Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk may be international idols, but the universal need for validation persists.

The Nootrobox team “likes to think” that they're good at brain sports too, said Brandt. “No one has really talked to nerds like they’re Nike athletes, right? But I would like to be talked to like that.”


9 Feels I Have About Samsung's New Galaxy Phones

Posted By: Admin - 12:53 AM

:accidentally drops in toilet:

If you're looking for a new phone, you may have heard that Samsung announced their newest Android smartphones, the Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge. ??

If you're looking for a new phone, you may have heard that Samsung announced their newest Android smartphones, the Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge. ??

They're the best devices in Samsung's lineup right now, and they go on sale March 11.

Nicole / BuzzFeed / Samsung

Because the phones have cool features but are also expensive AF, you are probably suffering from upgrade indecision.

Because the phones have cool features but are also expensive AF, you are probably suffering from upgrade indecision.

I can help with this.

I got to play with both the S7 and S7 edge — and now I have some thoughts.

I got to play with both the S7 and S7 edge — and now I have some thoughts.

The Galaxy S6 is a fantastic phone, and the S7 is an improvement over it only slightly. The Galaxy S5 had many much-beloved features (namely water resistance and an SD card slot) that the S7 is bringing back.

If you already own an S5 or S6, stay tuned for in-depth reviews before the March 11 launch date from publications (like us!). Then you'll know for sure whether the incremental upgrades are worth it or just marketing gimmicks.

The phones cost ~$670 or ~$790 for the S7 and S7 edge, respectively. Know what you're getting into before you make the investment!

Jeff Barron / BuzzFeed

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After ISIS Supporters Threaten Mark Zuckerberg, NYPD Sets Up Outside Facebook Offices

Posted By: Admin - 5:54 AM

NYPD car with CTB (Counter-Terrorism Bureau) decal outside of Facebook's office

The New York City Emergency Services Counter-Terrorism group has set up outside of Facebook's offices at 770 Broadway in Manhattan, almost immediately following a report of a video made on behalf of ISIS threatening Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey.

The NYPD, reached by BuzzFeed News, wouldn't say whether the patrol is connected to the ISIS video.

A person working in the area snapped the photo above and said he spotted the patrol on Thursday, a day after the report surfaced. A day later, the patrol remains, he said.

"I asked the patrol person if they were here because of the recent threat to FB and Twitter and he said 'They don't really tell us why we patrol certain areas,'" the person said.

The 25-minute-long video, first spotted by Vocativ, contains a frame with Zuckerberg and Dorsey's pictures riddled with bullet holes.

Both Twitter and Facebook declined to comment.


Apple's $120 Million Patent Victory Against Samsung Overturned

Posted By: Admin - 2:39 AM

Peter Macdiarmid / Getty Images

Samsung has finally scored a win in its long-running patent battle with Apple.

A federal appeals court on Friday overturned a 2014 verdict that slapped the South Korean tech giant with nearly $120 million in damages for violating Apple's patents on some iPhone features.

The ruling, from The U.S. Federal Circuit Court of Appeals, essentially finds that the iPhone features at issue in the case were obvious ones that cannot be protected as intellectual property. As a result, Samsung will not be forced to alter any future designs of its devices.

The ruling also upholds an earlier $158,400 judgement against Apple for infringing one of Samsung's patents.

Apple and Samsung have been locked in a pitched battle over smartphone and tablet patents for years. Last December Samsung paid Apple more than $548 million for infringing the patents and designs of the iPhone, a judgement Samsung has appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Apple declined comment.


Australia's Youngest Politician Rides A Hoverboard In Parliament

Posted By: Admin - 10:22 PM

Exclusive: Australia’s youngest politician gets #agile.

Australia's consumer watchdog has launched an inquiry into hoverboards... but that hasn't stopped Wyatt Roy jumping on one for a whip around his Canberra office.

The wildly popular devices have been banned in the UK and the Victorian government wants the Turnbull government to ban them here. So BuzzFeed News decided to take one into parliament, and put the so-called "agility" of the government to the test.

The wildly popular devices have been banned in the UK and the Victorian government wants the Turnbull government to ban them here. So BuzzFeed News decided to take one into parliament, and put the so-called "agility" of the government to the test.

Alice Workman/BuzzFeed News

At 25, Roy is the youngest federal politician and the youngest minister in history. He's also had a big week after being named on the inaugural Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia.

At 25, Roy is the youngest federal politician and the youngest minister in history. He's also had a big week after being named on the inaugural Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia.

Ryan Pierse / Getty Images

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Zenefits To Cut 250 Jobs, Mostly From Sales

Posted By: Admin - 10:22 PM


Zenefits plans to cut about 250 jobs, or 17% of its employees, as the once high-flying startup seeks to remake itself after a period of breakneck growth, according to an internal memo this morning.

The cuts at Zenefits, the San Francisco-based human resources startup, are coming "almost entirely" from the sales organization and will heavily affect the sales development reps, who prospect for leads, CEO David Sacks told employees in the memo. The enterprise sales team, which focuses on the biggest customers, will be eliminated, he said. About a dozen of the cuts will affect the recruiting department, he added.

"We are letting go of many great people today, and it is not their fault," Sacks said in the memo. "It is no secret that Zenefits grew too fast, stretching both our culture and our controls. This reduction enables us to refocus our strategy, rebuild in line with our new company values, and grow in a controlled way that will be strategic for our business and beneficial for our customers."

The layoffs reflect the urgent challenges facing Zenefits, which offers free human resources software to small businesses and collects commissions after selling health insurance policies to those businesses. For much of last year, as Zenefits rapidly hired new sales reps, many reps regularly failed to hit their monthly quotas, former employees say. Sacks has previously said he plans to refocus the company on "the small business market where we have product‐market fit."

In addition to the job cuts, which Sacks called a "reduction in force," Zenefits plans to reset expectations for the sales reps who remain. This afternoon, he said, sales reps would be given new plans and quotas. "By expanding the size of territories and concentrating lead flow, the sales reps who stay will be in a great position to succeed," Sacks said.

Sacks became CEO earlier this month, succeeding Parker Conrad, the Zenefits co-founder, who had resigned in the wake of a number of compliance failures, according to the company. BuzzFeed News has reported that Conrad, early in Zenefits' history, created a program that allowed sales reps to shortchange a broker licensing requirement under California law.


Inside The Obama Administration’s Attempt To Bring Tech Companies Into The Fight Against ISIS

Posted By: Admin - 7:22 AM

Dado Ruvic / Reuters

WASHINGTON, D.C. — They flew in from New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles to hole up in a windowless DC conference room for nearly five hours on Wednesday — representatives of the country’s top tech and entertainment companies brainstorming with U.S. counterterrorism officials to tackle one tough question: how to stop the spread of ISIS online.

The goal is a relatively uncontroversial one. The militant Islamist group has developed a keen propaganda machine and tech companies like Twitter have been going after accounts run by their supporters

But inside the conference room, as dozens of participants met and workshopped various tactics to battle ISIS’s seemingly inexhaustible PR machine, one thing became abundantly clear — there remains, inside the U.S. government, a huge cognitive dissonance. The DOJ called the meeting in the midst of rising anti-Muslim sentiment across the country, fed by the campaign of Donald Trump, and yet failed to include more than a small handful of Muslims in the meeting. And while the meeting appealed for help from the tech community, tensions between Washington and Silicon Valley are at an all time high as the FBI seeks to set a precedent by forcing Apple to help them break into a phone used by one of the San Bernardino shooters.

The stand-off between Apple and the FBI did not come up during the meeting, though the issues it involves are at the heart of the very things being discussed — as the role of technology in our lives continues its explosive growth, how will the balance between privacy and security play out in the new Silicon Valley-D.C. relationship.

The tension wasn’t lost on participants.

“It’s a weird time to come to out to the Valley and ask for help,” one tech executive told BuzzFeed News the week before flying out to the event.

Among the handful of Arab participants who took part in Wednesday’s event, the questions raised felt even greater.

“They wanted to figure out how to fight ISIS online, how to understand the psychology of those who support ISIS, and they invited almost no one who speaks for those of us in the Arab world, and from Arab communities, who have everything to lose from ISIS’ growing popularity,” said one Arab attendee, who estimated that less than 10% of the attendants were of Middle Eastern descent. “They don’t understand this community. That has been proven time and time again with their tone deaf messages. Why hold an event like this where there are ten white men outnumbering every Arab?”

The lack of voices from the Middle East at the event was raised repeatedly, with one attendee garnering applause when they asked why — in a discussion regarding ISIS’ appeal to young Arab-American Muslims — there was no one speaking to their appeal from within that community.

“The lens we use to look at things like radicalization or race issues or any social issue improves dramatically when we have more people from that community involved,” one attendee texted BuzzFeed News after the event.

Another attendee told BuzzFeed News by phone Thursday, “They are asking the wrong questions.”

Dado Ruvic / Reuters

The event was originally named “the Madison Ave. Project” reflecting the marketing and branding experts the White House hoped to call in. It evolved into the “Madison Valley Project” with the inclusion of tech companies, and finally the “Madison Valleywood Project” with the inclusion of film and entertainment industry leaders. Like its name, few thought the various sectors could, and would, come together.

Other media outlets, who were leaked a list of attendees, revealed that Microsoft, Facebook, Apple, Google, Mediacom and Edelman were among those attending from Hollywood and Silicon Valley. In a statement, the Department of Justice noted that Assistant Attorney General for National Security John Carlin, U.S. Chief Technology Officer Megan Smith, and Senior Director for Counterterrorism on the National Security Council Staff Jen Easterly took part in the meeting.

“The Administration is committed to taking every action possible to confront and interdict terrorist activities wherever they may occur, including in cyberspace,” read a statement about the event released by the Department of Justice on Wednesday. We are using this engagement and others to enlist the help of industry leaders and experts in our effort to ensure we bring the most innovative private and public sector thinking to all aspects of combating terrorism.”

BuzzFeed News was invited to attend the event Wednesday, which took place at the Department of Justice with a reception afterwards, on the condition that it, like all in attendance, follow the Chatham House rule — attendees are free to use the information from the discussion but not identify those attending or the specifics of what they said. All people quoted in this article were spoken to before or after the event, under the condition that their names and titles be withheld. It was unclear why no other press was invited.

Most attendees were hopeful that something could be done to fight ISIS online, and saw current efforts to do so as lacking, with campaigns like the State Department’s message to potential militants — “Think Again, Turn Away” — being called “embarrassing” and ineffective.

“It’s a great thing for them to be doing but I felt like they were positioning it wrong. It’s not just about ISIS communication online, it’s about why that communication is effective,” said one attendee. “Why Arabs, even those like us that are second and third generation Arabs in the West, feel isolated. The content to fight ISIS has to come from the Arab World. You need people who understand what we are feeling and why, who understand what the actual messages are that can then be spread by Silicon Valley companies and Hollywood and everyone else gathered up at the White House.”

Yet it remained unclear, at the end of the meeting, how that anti-ISIS content would actually be produced — or what role tech companies would play in promoting content that opposed the propaganda spread by ISIS.

“We aren’t in the business of making content, someone else needs to be the one doing that at the start of the pipeline before we can get involved,” said one Google representative, who spoke to BuzzFeed by phone last week on condition of anonymity because he was not allowed to speak publicly on Google’s talks with the government..

Over the last year, the government has stepped up its overtures to Silicon Valley, meeting with tech executives in January on the subject of combatting ISIS online. The Department of Defense has opened an office in the San Francisco area, and the State Department has recently appointed its first representative to Silicon Valley. Tech executives who have met with the Pentagon team told BuzzFeed News that some of their requests have been “jarring.” In at least one case, the Pentagon spoke with several companies — who asked not to be named as a condition of discussing the meeting with BuzzFeed News — about tweaking their algorithms to promote certain types of content. Both Google and Facebook have made it clear that they would not make changes to their algorithms to bury results supportive of ISIS.

“That’s something that is always brought up in meetings. And it shows how little they understand us,” said the Google representative. “This is a pandora’s box we won’t open, because if we answer a request by the U.S. government to feature one search result over another what’s to stop other countries from requesting the same? What’s to stop each country from tailoring the search results of their citizens to their agenda? It’s not a path we are willing to explore.”

With much taken off the table, it was unclear, going forward, what concrete steps each party would take. When the hallways were emptied of guests and the final evaluations made, few were certain if there was any chance of success.

At its core, said many attendees, the issue was the basic distrust the tech and entertainment companies have in the government, which has been amplified by the unprecedented attempt to force Apple to help the FBI break into an encrypted phone, and the strong stance taken by tech companies including Google, Microsoft, and Facebook to stand behind Apple.

“It’s like, you’ve been asked to partner up and dance with the bully at school who keeps trying to trip you in the hallways,” one attendee told BuzzFeed News after the event. “And even though you want to learn to dance there isn’t a lot of trust to build on.”

An attendee from the government side told BuzzFeed News by phone, “We need help, but it’s like, one part of government keeps fucking this up for other parts of government. We can’t seem to get it right.”


Google, Amazon, Microsoft To Support Apple In Court

Posted By: Admin - 4:53 AM

The FBI's battle with Apple over an encrypted iPhone has inspired a legal alliance in Silicon Valley. Next week, Microsoft will file a "friend of the court" brief in support of Apple's challenge to the Justice Department, according to the company's top lawyer, Brad Smith. Yes, Amazon is working on amicus brief options,” an Amazon spokesperson told Buzzfeed News. Google will also defend Apple's position, according to people familiar with the matter.


FBI Director Says Battle With Apple Could Set Legal Precedent

Posted By: Admin - 3:52 AM

Gabriella Demczuk / Getty Images

WASHINGTON — FBI Director James Comey said Thursday that the legal battle between the agency and Apple over unlocking a San Bernardino terrorist's phone could set legal precedent.

Comey's comments came during testimony before the House Intelligence Committee. He called the current situation the "hardest question I've seen in government."

The government, through a court order, is demanding Apple build what the company considers a security-suppressing "backdoor" into the iPhone. Apple is challenging the order, but the government argues that Apple must comply.

“I do think that whatever the judge's decision is in California — and I’m sure it will be appealed no matter how it ends up — will be instructive for other courts,” he said. “And there may well be other cases that involve the same kind of phone and the same operating system.”

Whether the government's demands in San Bernardino will extend to other cases and devices — or only to one iPhone — has shaped a sharp disagreement between the Justice Department and Apple. The government insists that the case involves a very narrow search request. In contrast, Apple argues that if it's forced to help the FBI break into the phone, many similar requests will follow, putting their customers at risk.

While the FBI continues its legal battle with Apple over the San Bernardino iPhone, Comey believes that the bigger debate over the popular adoption of encryption and American law enforcement should not be settled by a judge.

“I do think the larger question is not going to be answered in the courts — and shouldn’t be — because it’s really about who we want to be as a country, and how we want to govern ourselves.”

Apple, meanwhile, agrees that Congress should ultimately rule on any national encryption policy. But the company has argued that the government should withdraw its demands in San Bernardino as policy makers find a path forward.

The FBI director acknowledged his agency was in continuous negotiations with Apple leading up to the court proceeding. And Comey was quick to say that Apple has been “very helpful” in the San Bernardino case and in broader conversations on law enforcement and national encryption policy.

“I want to be sure that people understand, there are no demons in this dispute or the larger dispute. Apple’s been very cooperative,” he said.

“We just got to a place where they were not willing to offer the relief that the government was asking for.”

Later, when asked to define the limits of the All Writs Act, the law invoked by the Justice Department to compel Apple to help the FBI, Comey mostly deferred to the expertise of government lawyers — but he did provide his own answer.

“I think these are reasonable questions because judges on both coasts, and probably lots of other places, are going to have to interpret what is the meaning of the All Writs Act and what is 'reasonable assistance,'” he said.

Comey also addressed the concern posed by Apple and its allies that the existence of an encryption backdoor — a “master key” — poses a grave security risk if the technology were to fall into the wrong hands.

“The code that the judge has directed Apple to write works only on this one phone,” he said, rejecting Apple’s claim that the code the FBI wants written would hypothetically work on other iPhones. “And so the idea of it getting into the wild and working on my phone and your phone, at least the experts tell me, is not a real thing.”


Facebook Employees Replaced "Black Lives Matter" With "All Lives Matter" On Office Wall

Posted By: Admin - 3:19 AM

CEO Mark Zuckerberg said “several recent instances” of employees crossing out “Black Lives Matter” on Facebook’s walls were being investigated.

Mark Zuckerberg reprimanded Facebook employees for crossing off "Black Lives Matter" slogans and replacing them with "All Lives Matter" on a company building, according to an internal memo.

Mark Zuckerberg reprimanded Facebook employees for crossing off "Black Lives Matter" slogans and replacing them with "All Lives Matter" on a company building, according to an internal memo.

Manu Fernandez / AP

MPK refers to Facebook's building in Menlo Park, California.

"We’ve never had rules around what people can write on our walls — we expect everybody to treat each other with respect," Zuckerberg wrote, calling the incidents "disrespectful" and "malicious."

Instagram: @honestlyjulia

Here's the memo:

Here's the memo:

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Apartment Hunting Sites Padmapper And Zumper Are Merging

Posted By: Admin - 11:39 PM

Justin Sullivan / Getty Images

It's 2016. Rooms full of people are strapping virtual reality googles to their faces, automated personal assistants are appearing in our phones, and cars are starting to drive themselves. And yet we still search for apartments on a site that has barely changed since the late 1990s.

Plenty of smart people have tried to dethrone Craigslist, but their efforts have either failed outright or failed to grow big enough to become the new standard. Somehow, Craigslist — ancient, unlovely, and filled with overpriced schlock — remains the indispensable apartment-hunting tool for people in their 20s and 30s.

But hope springs eternal! On Thursday, two apartment-listing startups are expected to announce a merger that, they hope, will help them challenge the website with the purple peace sign.

Padmapper, which puts listings on a map, has been acquired by Zumper, a listings service backed by a big-name venture capital firm, the CEOs of both companies told BuzzFeed News. The price isn't being disclosed, but Zumper CEO Anthemos Georgiades said it's a cash and stock deal worth less than $10 million.

Zumper's mobile app.


For anyone trying to challenge the dominance of Craigslist, getting bigger is a logical strategy. Combined, Padmapper and Zumper had about 4 million visits in January, or about 2 million unique visitors, with each service contributing roughly half the total, according to Georgiades.

But the combined company is pinning its fortunes on more than just numbers. The San Francisco-based Zumper, which Georgiades started in 2011 between years at Harvard Business School, doesn't just show listings; prospective tenants can apply to listings through the Zumper app, and landlords can run background and credit checks through Zumper as well. Padmapper, which will keep its name and continue to exist separately, will incorporate the Zumper services into its own app later this year, Georgiades said.

"Craigslist has marketplace and liquidity. It's really hard to disrupt that by just having a pretty user interface," Georgiades told BuzzFeed News. "The only way you can beat Craigslist is if you change the paradigm."

Padmapper, which started in 2009 and was based in Mountain View, has gained fans for a simple but powerful reason: It shows you a map of apartment listings. (Craigslist introduced its own mapping tool in 2012.) Padmapper took listings data from Craigslist until last summer, when it agreed to stop doing that as part of a legal settlement with Craigslist; it now gets all of its listings from other sources.

Two of Padmapper's three full-time employees — the CEO and CTO — have joined Zumper.

The Padmapper mobile app.


Zumper, which has raised money from venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, has a slicker-looking interface and has focused heavily on its mobile app from the beginning. Georgiades said Zumper's customers skew toward higher-income young professionals, compared with Padmapper's base of college seniors or others moving into a first or second apartment. (Padmapper is also apparently big in Canada.)

"There was very little overlap" between the two groups of users, Georgiades said. Padmapper, he said, "had a very much younger demographic that we were interested in working with."

The thing that really distinguishes Zumper is its extra services for prospective tenants and landlords. The company makes money not only from promoted listings but also from the application process, by charging renters a $30 application fee. Some of that money goes to the credit check and background check providers, but it's "almost pure profit," Georgiades said. (He added that "it's still cheaper for renters than the current $40 they pay for paper-based systems.")

The goal, Georgiades said, is to make the process of renting an apartment more like the process of booking a hotel or an Airbnb: easy, seamless, and performed entirely on a mobile device.

"That's where we're really interested in exploring, and where no one is doing anything," Georgiades said. He paused, then added, "Definitely not Craigslist."


Amazon Pulls Hoverboards From Site After New Safety Warning

Posted By: Admin - 11:21 AM

The online retail giant removed the two-wheeled devices after an official warning that “consumers risk serious injury or death if their self-balancing scooters ignite and burn.”

Stephen Brashear / AP

Less than a week after the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission sent out a scathing warning letter that hoverboards could be an "imminent hazard," Amazon has pulled all self-balancing scooters from its website.

A "hoverboard" search on Amazon as of Wednesday returns only results for replacement parts and accessories for the devices.

Amazon / Via

Amazon's move to nix the two-wheeled transports comes after the CPSC issued new safety standards on Friday for the devices, saying "consumers risk serious injury or death if their self-balancing scooters ignite and burn."

The commission's warning came in the wake of reports of major defects, with many hoverboards catching fire while moving, and in one case even burning down a family's home.

Target, Wal Mart, and Toys 'R' Us have also stopped selling hoverboards since the CSPC announcement.

Amazon did not immediately respond to BuzzFeed News' request for comment.

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Twitter Suspension Of Anti-Feminist Writer Sparks Conservative Ire

Posted By: Admin - 9:05 AM

A Twitter newly dedicated to curbing harassment on its platform is finding that its every action can result in a firestorm. Nearly a week after a little-known conservative writer was booted, the wider world of alt-right Twitter is now boiling in turmoil over his ouster. At least one high-profile tweeter, Adam Baldwin, has quit the platform in protest over the company's speech policies.

The issue erupted when Robert Stacy McCain, a self-described anti-feminist writer, was suspended last Friday for “participating in targeted abuse,” according to a Twitter email he posted on his blog, which also said his account will not be restored. (Twitter would not comment on the email's validity.) It remains unclear what, exactly, he tweeted that led to the ban.

Some conservatives now argue that McCain is just the most recent victim of a new push by Twitter to police speech that unduly targets those on the right, and contradicts its long-standing commitment to free-speech. By centrally determining who can post and who can’t, they argue, Twitter is now acting as a sort of media censor.

And while it’s important to note that Twitter has banned people of all political persuasions, and that the crackdown does not seem agenda-driven, McCain is far from the only conservative to be affected. In January, for example, Twitter removed right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos’s verification badge due to unspecified rules violations. All of which is giving some of its more outspoken users pause.

“In trying to lure new users with promises of ‘safety,’ [Twitter] risks destroying the sense of free-wheeling openness that attracted many of its existing users,” Robert Tracinski, a senior writer at The Federalist, wrote in response to McCain’s suspension.

Harassment is a complicated problem for Twitter and the people who use it. While it has tools for muting and blocking other people, vicious tweets can come in so fast and from so many angles that those tools are often ineffective. Also, problems can spill out from Twitter into the wider internet, and even into people’s very homes. It’s not uncommon for one person to post a target’s personal information to Twitter, for example, that ultimately results in a swatting attempt by someone else.

Twitter has been pushed to do more to curb this type of harassment on its platform for years, and has experienced some embarrassing public failures when it’s been unable or unwilling to do so. Zelda Williams, for example, quit the platform for a time after being harassed following the death of her father, Robin, in 2014.

Complicating matters, Twitter has long declared itself “the free speech wing of the free speech party,” so any effort to remove people or tweets inherently contradicts that stance, and unsurprisingly sparks protests from its users. The seemingly contradictory goals of openness and safety put Twitter in a difficult position. When a political voice like McCain’s says things that Twitter says violate its terms of service, the company has to make a difficult choice: Does it come down on the side of supporting free speech, or combatting abuse? In this case, the company chose the latter.

Twitter’s actions in this effort have serious implications, since much of the political discussion that once took place on the open web now takes place within the walls of social platforms. Losing your seat there is like getting kicked out of the town squares of old, you’ll have to work much harder from the outside to be heard.

“Our abusive behavior policy prohibits targeted harassment and violent threats, and we will suspend accounts violating that rule when they are reported to us,” a Twitter spokesperson said in response to a BuzzFeed News inquiry.

Earlier this month, when it unveiled a new Trust and Safety Council, Twitter made the case that finding the balance between speech and safety isn’t easy: “The volume of content on Twitter is massive, which makes it extraordinarily complex to strike the right balance between fighting abuse and speaking truth to power.”

No kidding.

Reached via phone Tuesday night, McCain said he’s not concerned the Twitter ban will silence his voice. “The thing is that I’m an innovative person and I’m a survivor,” he said. ”I’m a winner. I’ve been winning my whole life. The idea that my personal voice will never be heard again on Twitter. Ha! We’ll see.”

Still, he admitted he missed Twitter. “It was fun,“ he said. “But they don’t want me anymore. It’s kind of weird. This is a weird experience to be a hashtag.”


iPhone Hack Would Be "Software Equivalent Of Cancer," Tim Cook Says

Posted By: Admin - 7:50 AM

Astrid Stawiarz / Getty Images

Apple CEO Tim Cook defended his company's to create software that would unlock San Bernardino shooter Syed Farook's iPhone in the harshest terms yet on Wednesday, telling ABC News that the hack would be the "software equivalent of cancer."

Last week, a federal judge ordered Apple to comply with the Department of Justice's request to help the FBI bypass Farook's phone encryption. But according to Cook and others, doing so would require Apple to write new code.

"We think it's bad news to write," Cook said in the interview. "We would never write it. We have never written it — and that is what is at stake here. We believe that is a very dangerous operating system."

The FBI needs Apple to override the lock because, according to experts, multiple failed password entries could result in investigators being permanently denied access to the phone's contents — or even erasing its data altogether.

Authorities have argued that unlocking the iPhone is a one-time request and a matter of national security. However, information security experts have accused the government of taking advantage of the San Bernardino shooting to create a precedent for tech industry capitulation on privacy matters.

"This case is not about one phone," Cook said. "This case is about the future."


Lawmakers In Congress Introduce Bill To Create Special Commission On Encryption

Posted By: Admin - 5:50 AM

U.S. House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX)

Alex Wong / Getty Images

WASHINGTON – Amid the encryption battle between Apple and the FBI that has captured national attention in recent days, Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia and Rep. Michael McCaul of Texas announced Wednesday that they will advance legislation next week to create a special commission to study digital security issues.

Warner and McCaul said the bill will call for a 16 member expert panel, modeled after the 9/11 Commission and comprised of law enforcement officials, technology companies, privacy advocates and cryptologists.

“In many ways, the current litigation that’s taking place might not have been needed if we had this kind of approach a few years back,” said Warner, who sits on the Senate Intelligence Committee. “My fear is that we are talking past each other.”

The group will produce an interim report to Congress in six months, and a final report in one year, the two lawmakers said. The report will seek to address the challenges that encryption poses to law enforcement — a key point of dispute in the encryption debate.

Following the mass shootings in Paris and San Bernardino, the issue of encryption has taken on national prominence. Policymakers remain fearful that criminals and terrorists will exploit communication technology to conspire outside the reach of law enforcement.

“The whole point of the bill and the commission is to find a solution to a Paris-style attack where the attackers are using end-to-end encryption on apps to conduct a major terrorist operation,” said McCaul, who chairs the Committee on Homeland Security in the House of Representatives.

During the announcement, however, neither lawmaker had any solutions to share. “Believe it or not, in Congress, we are not always the experts,” McCaul said. “Particularly an issue as technical as this one, we don’t have the answers.”

Warner and McCaul insisted that the Commission would find a path forward.

Apple does not appear concerned about the prospects of a drawn-out Washington debate, as the iPhone manufacturer locks horns with the FBI in court. In a letter to customers this week, the company suggested that the government form a special commission of experts, and that “Apple would gladly participate in such an effort.”

When asked by a BuzzFeed News reporter, however, if the FBI should withdraw its legal challenge against Apple as Congress works to resolve digital security issues, Warner replied: “No, I think that case is going to be played out.”

In what may be a positive sign to tech companies and privacy advocates, Warner and McCaul emphasized their view of encryption as a vital tool in American society and rejected the common framing of encryption debates as “consumer privacy versus national security.” The two lawmakers also noted that the market for encryption tools is thriving outside of the U.S., and that any solution would have to include an international component.

Highlighting the current standoff between Silicon Valley and Washington, McCaul said, “There is no easy, knee-jerk legislative response to this.”


Bernie Sanders Isn't Talking About The Future Of Work

Posted By: Admin - 3:07 AM

Bill Clark / CQ-Roll Call,Inc.

Bernie Sanders has stepped away from the campaign trail to join the picket line for corn processing workers in Iowa and Verizon employees in New York, the extension of a long career as a champion of American unions.

But the labor presidential candidate has been strangely silent on the issues driving much of the conversation about labor in the 21st century: The “gig economy” of Uber, Taskrabbit, Instacart and the growing array of other companies springing from Silicon Valley to change American labor.

When Sanders talks about labor, it’s from a 20th-century perspective, more about manufacturing jobs lost to China than warehouse jobs lost to robots or white-collar jobs lost to A.I. His website contains a single mention of Uber, in an aggregated Atlantic article titled ”Uber Is Not The Future Of Work.”

To some of his supporters and critics alike in the tech industry, it’s a notable gap.

The Sanders campaign uses "an old songbook,” Makerbase cofounder Anil Dash told BuzzFeed News. “It was written before the Internet, let alone before apps and the mobile economy."

Rick Burnes — founder and CEO of the venture firm Charles River, who has donated to both Sanders, and, to a much greater degree, Clinton — told BuzzFeed News that Sanders is "just trying to rely on the unions. That's not the direction of the work world.”

Sanders has many supporters in Silicon Valley which — outside a small sect of techno-libertarians — has long leaned left. Some of them, too, say they’d like to hear more about how he’d regulate the gig economy.

“I don’t think it’s turned out super fair,” said Steve Wozniak, the Apple co-founder, who backs Sanders, of the gig economy. It “would be nice,” Wozniak said, if Sanders addressed the issue.

Among Sanders’ campaign donors are at least 58 gig workers, especially Uber and Lyft drivers, but also Taskrabbit taskers, as well as people who make extra cash renting out their homes on Airbnb. Most gave under $50 — but a few gave considerably more.

Tim Or, a Seattle-based Lyft driver and Bernie Sanders for President volunteer, has so far given nearly $500 to the campaign. But Or doesn’t necessarily expect Sanders to address the gig economy on the campaign trail.

"I support Bernie Sanders first and foremost because of his willingness to reject big money. That's why I've donated so much to him,” Or told BuzzFeed News. While he said his support isn't contingent on Sanders addressing the future of work, “I would love if he mentioned the issues concerning rideshares.”


America's Sexiest Professions, According To Tinder

Posted By: Admin - 2:51 AM


Gentlemen, if your love life isn't going anywhere, it may be time to learn how to fly.

And ladies, you may want to try physical therapy.

That's according to new data released by Tinder, which shows that male pilots and female physical therapists get swiped right on the dating app at the highest rate of any profession for their respective genders.

Tinder added occupation and education details to profiles last November, so the company knows which jobs generate the most interest among its users. Tinder has been downloaded over 100 million times, so this data comes from a massive amount of swipes.

Intriguingly, model didn't crack the top five for either gender, and founder/entrepreneur made the top three for each.

Here's the full rankings, per Tinder:

Most right-swiped jobs for women in the U.S.:

  1. Physical Therapist
  2. Interior Designer
  3. Founder/Entrepreneur
  4. PR/Communications
  5. Teacher
  6. College Student
  7. Speech Language Pathologist
  8. Pharmacist
  9. Social Media Manager
  10. Model
  11. Dental Hygienist
  12. Nurse
  13. Flight Attendant
  14. Personal Trainer
  15. Real Estate Agent

Most right-swiped jobs for men in the U.S.:

  1. Pilot
  2. Founder/Entrepreneur
  3. Firefighter
  4. Doctor
  5. TV/Radio Personality
  6. Teacher
  7. Engineer
  8. Model
  9. Paramedic
  10. College Student
  11. Lawyer
  12. Personal Trainer
  13. Financial Advisor
  14. Police Officer
  15. Military


A Complete Guide To The New Facebook Emoji Reactions

Posted By: Admin - 1:28 AM

What they mean, depending on who’s using them.

Facebook now has emojis to select when you "like" something:

Facebook now has emojis to select when you "like" something:

When your friends use this: They don't care too much about you.

When your aunt uses this: She doesn't know what the other emojis mean.

When your crush uses this: Bad news. He/she's not into you.

When your ex uses this: This is a faint apology but also a passive-aggressive way of letting you know they've moved on.

When your friends use this: They love it.

When your aunt uses it:
She wishes you'd have kids soon.

When your crush uses this: Oh hell yeah, it's ON.

When your ex uses this: They are still masturbating thinking of you.

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Facebook Reactions Launch Today

Posted By: Admin - 8:11 PM

It's not a Dislike button, but heck, it's pretty darn close.

Today, Facebook is rolling out a set of Like button alternatives, called "Reactions," that let you react to posts on its platform via a number of different expressions.

The Reactions are Facebook's answer to requests for a "Dislike" button. Many of the company's users asked for that button so they could engage with friends' posts when a comment or a like didn't make sense — take a post about a death for instance — and Mark Zuckerberg eventually came through.

The Like will remain, but now you can "Love," "Haha," "Wow," "Sad," and "Angry" posts too. Facebook is rolling these reactions out globally today.

In tests, Facebook tried a "Yay" and "Confused" too, but those two didn't make the cut.

"This is just the beginning," Facebook engineering director Tom Alison told BuzzFeed News. "The team is still going to be looking at how people are using this. We're going to be learning a lot. We're going to be iterating on this."

In its News Feed algorithm, Facebook will count each reaction in the same way it counts Likes, said Alison. Though that doesn't mean it won't change over time.

Facebook will also not offer any special ad targeting capabilities based on how people react to posts. However, that data may eventually be valuable to advertisers looking to target their messaging more finely. Imagine, for instance, being able to write one product message for someone who mostly uses Sad and another who mostly uses Wow or Love.

Facebook users picked Love more than any other reaction during the product's test phase. But Alison said that global events may cause shifts in the buttons' use. "You're going to see it change dynamically in response to things that are going on."


Google's New Robots Are Completely Terrifying

Posted By: Admin - 10:27 AM

How long will YOU last in the inevitable robot uprising?

This afternoon, Boston Dynamics — a robotics company purchased by Google (now Alphabet) two years ago — released a new video of Atlas, its latest robot.

Atlas, a very human-looking robot, is 5'9", weighs 180 lbs. and can do a lot of human-like things, like walk upright.

Atlas, a very human-looking robot, is 5'9", weighs 180 lbs. and can do a lot of human-like things, like walk upright.

Boston Dynamics

It can go for a nice afternoon stroll to get a Starbucks.

It can go for a nice afternoon stroll to get a Starbucks.

Boston Dynamics

It can squat, no doubt making gainz on its robot glutes and quads.

It can squat, no doubt making gainz on its robot glutes and quads.

Boston Dynamics

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DOJ Wants Apple To Extract Data From 12 Other iPhones And iPads

Posted By: Admin - 1:29 AM

Justin Sullivan / AFP

Last week, a federal judge in New York instructed Apple to provide a list of current cases where the government seeks to extract information from password-protected iPhones. That list was unsealed by the court Tuesday, revealing that in several cases around the United States — from New York, Illinois, California, and Massachusetts — the government seeks to compel Apple to help pull data from 12 different iPhones and iPads.

The list, compiled by Apple and reviewed by the Justice Department, details other active cases in which the government’s requests for Apple’s technical assistance were similar to that of a New York case, involving an encrypted iPhone and a person suspected of distributing methamphetamine. For each of the 12 iPhones, the government invoked the authority of the All Writs Act, in order to force Apple to bypass security features built into the devices.

Apple also points to the locked iPhone of Syed Rizwan Farook and the investigation into the mass shooting in San Bernardino that left 14 people dead. In that case, which has generated a national controversy, the government demanded that Apple design new software that would help unlock an encrypted iPhone by disabling several security tools.

Apple and its allies have described the court order in San Bernardino as amounting to government coercion. They have argued that the government has taken an unprecedented step, asking the company to manufacture an encryption backdoor, that would weaken the security of not just one iPhone, but all of them. Apple insists the the "FBiOS" would hypothetically work on other iPhones.

(Four of the 12 iPhones run on iOS 8 or above. And, according to Apple, these more current operating systems prevent the company from simply extracting information from encrypted iphones, which, at the request of the government, it has done in the past.)

In response to the list of 12 iPhones under government search, the Justice Department took exception with Apple’s characterisation of the status of several cases. The list includes the jurisdiction of each search request, the model and iOS, and Apple’s response. But the government argued that “Apple’s position has been inconsistent at best.”

In several cases, Apple stated that the company objected to the search of the phones. The government, however, insists that this is “misleading.”

“Apple did not file objections to any of the orders, seek an opportunity to be heard from the court, or otherwise seek judicial relief,” the government said. “In most of the cases, rather than challenge the orders in court, Apple simply deferred complying with them, without seeking appropriate judicial relief.”

Apple disputes this claim. The company told BuzzFeed News that it did indeed send the government a response in the form of an objection, but never heard back. Apple also notes that the government could have moved to compel on these orders as well, but didn’t. Instead, it opted to litigate the San Bernardino case.

While the judge in New York reviews the list of active search requests to inform how to proceed in his case, Apple has until Friday to contest the court order in San Bernardino.

Even as the government has used the list of active searches to highlight Apple’s inconsistency on encryption and law enforcement, privacy advocates may point to it as proof that the government is desperate to break into many other phones — and will use the outcome of the San Bernardino case as a precedent.

In an all-hands memo to Apple employees addressing the legal dispute over encryption, CEO Tim Cook suggested that the national debate over encryption should be settled not by a court but by Congress or a special government panel of experts.

“We feel the best way forward would be for the government to withdraw its demands under the All Writs Act and, as some in Congress have proposed, form a commission or other panel of experts on intelligence, technology and civil liberties to discuss the implications for law enforcement, national security, privacy and personal freedoms,” Cook wrote.


This Game Lets You Give Your Friends And Family Money And It Has China Addicted

Posted By: Admin - 11:19 PM

Phil Nobel / Reuters / Blackzheep / Getty Images

My mother couldn’t help grinning from ear to ear. She had just cashed in the almost $100 she’d accumulated in two hours by tapping the screen on her phone.

In what’s said to be a millennium-old ritual, Chinese families give out Lucky Money, or “yasuiqian” — a small amount of cash these days presented in a red envelope called a “hongbao” — to their underage and unmarried members at the start of a new year, hoping to ward off bad luck. Though traditionally associated with the New Year, hongbao can also be given out during big events like weddings or a newborn’s first full month.

My mother hadn’t received any hongbao for the Chinese New Year since she got married in 1988 (if we don’t count those given to me but taken away “under her custody”). But this year’s Spring Festival was different.

It was February 9, the second day of the Chinese New Year, when I answered a video call from my mother. She showed me the room, and I realized that all my family members on my father’s side, about 26 of them, were having a big luncheon in the Qilin Palace Restaurant in east Shanghai. It was almost midnight in New York, and I was in my pajamas. Being caught off guard, I muddled through the impromptu new year’s greetings to everybody and hung up. Then my phone started to buzz.

A screenshot of the author's family group text

Beimeng Fu

“Thank you bosses,” read a sticker posted by a cousin on our family’s group chat, set up less than a year ago on WeChat, a popular app owned by Chinese internet giant Tencent. He was suggesting other members of the family drop “red packets” – a function that enables users to transfer a small amount of money, up to 200 yuan (about $31) to multiple users or groups.

The dishes were almost finished when my mother called and normally it would be the time for toasts — I remember vividly the pressure to go around each table and say something nice to everyone: “I hope you get admitted into a good high school” to a niece; “I wish for you to have a white and chubby little girl next year” to the newlyweds.

WeChat’s Red Envelope function crushed the toasts this year. The rules were simple: a number of red envelopes with different amounts inside were created using the “random amount” feature — one contains the highest amount, and the faster you tap the game’s “open” button, the higher chance you’ll get one of the bigger payouts. Not physically being there put me at a disadvantage: When somebody dropped a red packet, I couldn’t hear the cue, and all the envelopes were gone within seconds — often before I even realized the game had started. A huge flood of messages poured in, most of them notifying me that another red envelope had been opened.

My mother recalled the frenzy over the phone to me later: “Your rich aunt was very into the game that day — she snatched as hard as I did just for cents!”

This year, collecting virtual hongbao has become a common scene across China. From Lunar New Year’s Eve to the 15th day of the new year, which usually marks the end of the Spring Festival celebration, families, friends, colleagues in hundreds of thousands of homes, restaurants, workplaces adopted the new custom. What was once an ancient ritual is going through drastic changes: Anyone of any age from anywhere in the country can exchange a red envelope, as long as they have a smartphone.

Instagram: @tonyw921

The scale is almost unimaginable. On the Lunar New Year’s Eve alone, 420 million users — almost a third of the nation’s population — reportedly swapped 8.08 billion digital envelopes on WeChat, eight times more than last year. The peak came just after midnight, with 2.4 million hongbao being sent and 6.2 million being opened simultaneously. Just six days into the new year, that number had grown to 32 billion red envelopes transferred.

This year, WeChat also introduced a new function that was available for only eight hours. It allowed users to post a blurred photo that others had pay with a tiny red envelope to view. Twenty-nine million photos were posted and 192 million people paid to view them.

Digital hongbao often come with auto-generated messages to let you know how much is inside.

BuzzFeed News

Following Tencent’s success in the red envelope game, China’s two other major internet companies — Baidu and Alibaba — are trying to play catchup. Alibaba’s online payment product, Alipay, spent about $41 million to replace Tencent as the exclusive sponsor of state-owned CCTV’s Spring Festival Gala this year, which reached 690 million viewers. The company claims 100 million users exchanged about 800 million red envelopes via its app during the show, and that it collaborated with 45 sponsors to give away 800 million yuan (about $122 million) to users who played the interactive games — the game required one to shake their phone and collect e-cards according to the instructions on the TV screen. At the same time, Baidu said it gave away $644 million in coupons and $46 million in cash through Baidu Wallet, its online payment system.

“Distracted for just a few minutes, I might have missed a couple billion yuan,” a newly popular saying goes.

The goal for these companies is simple: to keep as many users as possible and be the dominant platform for all of China’s needs.

Instagram: @chenyr_0331

“Two of the best things of the Spring Festival are long vacation and red envelopes,” read a widespread post on Weibo.

Yet the concept of sending virtual red envelopes is very young. In 2014, WeChat introduced its new hongbao function and was able to get 8 million users to link their debit card information with their WeChat accounts. Jack Ma, Alibaba’s founder, compared WeChat’s launch of digital red envelopes to “a sneak raid on Pearl Harbor” — it took Alibaba’s Alipay years to achieve that goal.

An average person in China spends 40 minutes per day on WeChat, so for it to break into the mobile payment market was a significant achievement. WeChat got another huge boost that year when it became the sponsor of the Spring Festival TV gala show, or “Chunwan,” gaining nationwide exposure and a semi-official endorsement.

The idea of digital red envelopes became so popular that even the country’s ruling Communist Party joined the bandwagon, giving away $50,000 on three consecutive days — the party used Alipay, which has an optional password feature within its red envelope program. Each day the WeChat account “Communist Party Members,” run by the state Xinhua News Agency, announced the password of the day. "You will earn what you worked for," it said, followed by “As long as we persevere, dreams will come true" — both pulled from President Xi Jinping's 2016 New Year speech. The prizes were reportedly all gone seconds after the password was released. Alibaba claimed that the source of the money "had nothing to do with party membership dues" and was instead "raised by Xinhua's website and Alipay on their own," according to the AFP.

All this begs the question, “What makes this game so addictive?”

It could be that sending red envelopes works as an efficient way to “check in” with one’s social network. Under WeChat’s rules, a person can bundle at most 100 envelopes in each packet with no minimum amount inside. So it’s possible for you to only give out one dollar to multiple groups, which according to the Chinese-language Hong Kong news website The Initium lets users “feel your presence and you feel like a king when others send you emojis of a person kneeling and showing appreciation.”


“Other people who miss the red envelope will never know how much you actually put inside, so you remind people of you without actually spending a lot,” a friend of mine told me during a hot pot gathering when I was in China in January.

But one of the most popular explanations behind the psychology of digital envelopes was posted on China's Quora-like site, Zhihu.

“Exchanging red envelopes (physically or virtually) is never an economic behavior, it’s a social behavior,” wrote Li Songwei, a researcher at Beijing’s prestigious Qinghua University.

“[A red envelope] gives serious verification to interpersonal connection: ‘see, this is real money! Even though we might not be close, I really treat you seriously!’...The act is a confirmation for both sides, ‘we have a real connection, I’m not alone,’” he explained.

“The virtual connection now needs some hardcore verification, too,” he concludes, “at any time, human beings long for deeper connection with others. On the internet, we can’t experience physical presence, exchange eye contact, express our concerns, all we have is this lifeless data. So let’s make the data more sincere. Finally, we found data that might be the warmest: money. It doesn’t matter if it’s a penny or not, the thing that matters is that it is real, our interactions are real.”

But the virtual red envelope obsession can also turn into lunacy, according to users. Following the game’s popularity, many people on Weibo have reported that their elderly family members indulge in the game day and night, sometimes even skipping meals and sleep.

“My parents went next door to the neighbor’s and just sat on their couch for an hour tapping their own phones."

“It’s totally nuts in China," a friend told me during a recent conversation on WeChat. "My parents went next door to the neighbor’s and just sat on their couch for an hour tapping their own phones. Fortunately, that was a really close neighbor."

As the game’s popularity has soared, companies have introduced a number of external tools to make to make collecting virtual hongbao more convenient. Tencent officially released a tool called “red envelope alarm clock” shortly before the Chinese New Year, which allows auto-monitoring and sends reminders that users receive throughout WeChat, Alipay, and Weibo. Alibaba also released a similar tool. Countless third-party apps now allow addicted users to skip having to unlock their phone.

But alongside that stratospheric rise, a dark side has emerged. Phishing and scams have become rampant and, in extreme cases, the game lends itself to blatant gambling. According to Xinhua, Tencent closed 100,000 accounts that were engaged in gambling just in the last year. Last August, 300 gamblers from Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangdong Province were arrested as part of a bust involving 10 million yuan ($1.53 million). The organizers of the WeChat “casinos” set up groups specifically for the purpose of professional gambling, published QR codes to enter and invited players to join. Games such as baccarat, Chinese casino game sic bo, and even solitaire are now “red-envelopized,” with the organizers taking commissions from the winnings. The only difference between a family-friendly red envelope game and gambling sometimes lies in the motivation of the participants.

But, like most addicts, people justify their hongbao fever any way they can. The Chinese holiday was once about the lively noise of crowds, shopkeepers yelling about sales, and shoving your way into the temple to be the first in line for the incense, but all this has now been replaced with the repeated buzz of phones. And with the likely disappearance of fireworks from the sky, it is likely that next year’s spending on red envelopes will be even higher. As my mother told me after the family luncheon, “Snatching red envelopes is the new fun; we are just spending the money we saved from fireworks.”


Bill Gates Sides With FBI In Battle Over Terrorist's Locked iPhone

Posted By: Admin - 1:54 PM

The Microsoft co-founder broke ranks with others in Silicon Valley, saying Apple should agree to the FBI’s request to unlock an iPhone linked to the San Bernardino attack.

Ted S. Warren / AP

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has sided with the government in an ongoing dispute with Apple over whether the technology company must help federal agents break into a locked iPhone used by one of the San Bernardino terrorists.

In an interview with the Financial Times, Gates disagreed with Apple CEO Tim Cook's notion that assisting the FBI with unlocking an iPhone that belonged to Syed Rizwan Farook — who killed 14 people at a California government center with his wife — would create a way to access all others.

"This is a specific case where the government is asking for access to information," Gates said. "They are not asking for some general thing, they are asking for a particular case."

"It is no different than [the question of] should anybody ever have been able to tell the phone company to get information, should anybody be able to get at bank records. Let's say the bank had tied a ribbon round the disk drive and said 'don't make me cut this ribbon because you'll make me cut it many times'," Gates continued.

The former Microsoft chief added that there must be rules for when the government can access information.

"I hope that we have that debate so that the safeguards are built and so people do not opt — and this will be country by country —” [to say] it is better that the government does not have access to any information," Gates added.

Last week Apple was ordered by a judge to create software that would unlock an iPhone used by Farook, but Cook called it "an unprecedented step," saying the demand "threatens the security of our customers."

The stance taken by Gates is a break from other prominent figures in Silicon Valley, including Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, and Google CEO Sundar Pichai, who have all said they side with Apple.

LINK: Google CEO Sundar Pichai Backs Apple In FBI Encryption Debate

LINK: Apple CEO Calls On Feds To Drop iPhone Unlock Order

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This App Shows You What Other Peoples' Instagram Feed Looks Like

Posted By: Admin - 6:03 AM


Have you ever looked at the person next to you and thought, I wonder what Will sees when he logs into Instagram? Nothing too weird, you just want to see what his feed is like. Maybe he's buying cool vintage clothes on Instagram and you could be, too. Maybe his friends know about the best brunch spots. Maybe you're just curious. I'm not here to judge; I'm here to tell you about Being.

Being is an app that lets its users see what Instagram is like for someone else. You log in with your own Instagram account, then choose who you want to be. It could be a friend, it could be a partner, it could be a celebrity, it could be a presidential candidate — anyone with a public account on the photo-sharing service can be accessed. You can even click a button and parachute into a completely randomly chosen person's feed.

The app uses Instagram's API to pull all of the "Following" data from a given account and organize it into a feed. So, if you've ever been curious about what Taylor Swift actually sees when she logs into Instagram — minus the many thousands of notifications from adoring fans — this is the app for you.

Based on a brief perusal of Being, one thing is abundantly clear: Celebrities have incredibly boring Instagram feeds. Which isn't too surprising; in the age of digital publications like The Shade Room, who famous people follow and fraternize with on social media is news in and of itself. So they — like all of — mostly follow other celebrities. However, there are a few exceptions to that rule. While Taylor Swift and Kylie Jenner both follow small numbers of mostly famous people — and Donald Trump follows only family members and his own hotels — Rihanna follows some TWELVE HUNDRED people, for example. Justin Bieber follows a lot of text-meme accounts like those of @daquan and @thefatjewish, and what appear to be a few completely random civilians. Daniel, of "damn Daniel" fame, follows a lot of sneaker resellers, some typical teenagers, and an account called @youngducktits. Drake, meanwhile, also follows over a thousand people. Lots of ladies. Pretty ladies. But, not just ladies: Drake also follows a dog account (Akitas of Instagram) and the Los Angeles Contemporary Museum of Art. Champagne Papi, renaissance man.

That's only half of the Being experience, though. Things get much, much weirder when you use the app to check out a friend's feed: A carefully curated Following list might not be embarrassing, but it is something that was never created with the intention to share. At its best, the app is a voyeuristic recommendation engine, showing you accounts that you might want to follow based on your friends. At its worst, it's spying.

Being's founder Adam Mashaal created the app to personalize the social media landscape even more than it already is. "We are too often consumed within our own perspectives that we forget that each and every person on this planet has something unique to offer," he wrote in a Medium post announcing the launch of Being.

Instagram was unavailable for comment on how the company feels about this use of its API.


Facebook Wants You To Wish Your Friends Happy Birthday Via Video

Posted By: Admin - 4:00 AM

One nice thing about using Facebook is that the service sparks a stream of good wishes from friends on your birthday, many of whom you probably haven't seen or spoken with in ages.

That guy you met randomly in an airport three years ago? Yeah, he's there celebrating with you.

Well starting Monday, Facebook is adding a new element to those birthday wishes: a prompt for you to share them in a video.

The company is releasing a "Happy Birthday Cam," which you'll find on your friends' profiles when you visit them on their birthdays. The cam allows you to record up to 15 seconds of video which can then be presented to friends with various birthday-themed overlays.

The feature will be available first on iOS devices, with Android following in the next few months, per Facebook.

Facebook executives have repeatedly stated a belief that the majority of content shared upon the platform will be video within the next few years. This is one step to bring that future along.


Why Venmo And Paypal Are Blocking Donations To Syrian Refugees

Posted By: Admin - 2:05 AM

Syrian Refugee children outside a school at the refugee camp in Osmaniye, Turkey.

Adem Altan / AFP / Getty Images

In December, Adnan Akil, a 26-year-old working in tech in San Francisco, sent money to his aunt over Venmo. His family is Syrian-American, and his aunt was raising funds to help Syrian refugees. Akil was happy to help. But a few weeks later, he received an email from Venmo asking him to explain his transaction, which he had described as “for Syria” in the required note field. Venmo wanted more details about who it was going to. Eventually, Venmo did allow Akil’s his transaction to go through — but not before a long and, for Akil, frustrating process.

“I was trying to do a good thing and was then talked to like I did something wrong,’ Akil told BuzzFeed News. “I started worrying about how much evidence they would need to believe me. If there ever could be enough.”

Akil is not alone – many people informally raising money among friends, family, or school groups for refugees have run into this problem. Clint Lalonde, a Canadian citizen, had his payment delayed by PayPal when he collected donations from relatives for his 8-year-old daughter’s school fundraiser. He got an email from PayPal asking him to clarify the donations, which had “Maggie’s Syrian fundraiser” in the notes. He wrote back a detailed explanation about the school fundraiser, but two of the payments were rejected and two were suspended in limbo for over a month.

Another person — who requested anonymity for the sake of the safety of her friends working with refugees overseas — had a similiar experience. She had friends send her donations over PayPal and Venmo, which then passed along to contacts overseas who used the funds to purchase warm clothing and medical supplies for displaced children and women. Friends who sent her payments with “Syrian refugee donation” or “Syrian medical supplies” had their payments suspended and eventually canceled by PayPal.

It appeared that any transaction with the word “Syria” or Syrian” triggered an investigation, even when the note seemed clearly to be for refugees or charity.

According to a spokesperson for PayPal, this is a result of the company’s obligation to abide by U.S. government rules about financial transactions going to Syria. “In this particular case, processing funds is not compliant with the laws set forth by the OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control), which controls Syrian Sanctions,” the spokesperson explained. (PayPal and Venmo are owned by the same parent company and have the same policy on these transactions.)

The U.S. government has sanctions against doing business with Syria, similar to the ones we have with Cuba or Iran. However, there is an exemption for charities and humanitarian aid for Syria. Here’s where it’s tricky: charitable non-governmental organizations (NGOs) can send money and supplies to Syria, but individual people can’t – unless that individual gets a special license to do so. According to the Office of Foreign Asset Control, “U.S. persons can give a charitable donation to U.S. or third-country NGOs, but U.S. persons cannot send such a donation directly to Syria or a Syrian entity without a specific license in order to try to protect the donations from being misused.”

An email from PayPal describing why a Syrian refugee donation is being held for review. This particular payment ended up being rejected.

Basically, if you’re taking up a collection among friends to write one big check to Doctors Without Borders, that’s fine. But it wouldn’t be legal, at least without that special license, to pool money to send directly to a hospital in Syria. When PayPal sees “Syrian medical supplies” in the notes, it doesn’t know which one you’re trying to do, so it’s obligated to ask.

The frustration of course, is that people who are trying to do a truly good deed are getting blocked from doing so. And moreover, it looks like what PayPal is doing is some sort of hamfisted terrorism screening where they think anything that mentions Syria must be code for giving money to ISIS.

The idea that PayPal or Venmo are essentially racially profiling transactions with any sort of Muslim or Arabic words in them isn’t exactly a paranoid delusion. This fall, Gizmodo reported about a transaction on Venmo that was investigated after someone jokingly wrote “iced coffee obama nsa inside job syria” as the note.

In 2014, another Venmo user had her account frozen after she made a transaction with a note simply listing the name “Ahmed”. Venmo said this may have been a mistake, and they were reaching out to the customer to apologize.

For well meaning people who want to help the refugee crisis, or make your donations directly to an organization like UNICEF, write a check, or just write “for the drinks last night” in the note.


Here’s What To Do If A Family Member Follows You On Twitter, According To A Teen

Posted By: Admin - 2:05 AM

Octavia Thorns for BuzzFeed

You wake up, unplug your phone from the charger, and start to scroll through your notifications. You see a bank notice, a reminder text from your friend to buy tickets for Bieber in June, a heads up from Snapchat that ten of your friends (and DJ Khaled) have updated their stories, and, last but not least, four notifications from Twitter. Normally this wouldn’t be anything out of the ordinary. But one of those four notifications is not like the others.

One of those four notifications is life-changing. It’s the mother of all life-changing Twitter notifications. This notification is none other than a notification informing you that one of your family members has followed you on Twitter.

(This might be a good time to check which notifications Twitter is or isn't sending to your phone and email, by the way.)

Now, if you’re reading this with a look of confusion on your face, then please take your belongings and move to the back of the room. You must be one of those people who sees no problem being connected to your family members on any and every social network; nothing wrong with that.

But for those of you who do see a problem, please gather your belongings and fill in the gaps in the front. I am 18 years old, which means I know what I'm talking about. And I’m only going to say this once, so pay attention.

Your family member following you on Twitter is a bigger problem than it would be on any other social network, because of the way Twitter is set up. You know this and I know this; that’s why you’ve attempted to successfully (until now) build a wall between your Facebook and your Twitter. Facebook has privacy settings, so it’s easy to make sure certain people only see your photo updates, and never your statuses complaining about how much you hate your incompetent boss. Twitter is different.

Malcolm Musoni / Twitter: @fijiwatergod

Nobody wants to post a Tweet saying that they want a new BeyoncĂ© album and then have two of their aunts engage in a 10-tweet debate about whether BeyoncĂ© is in the illuminati and how your parents raised you better than to worship the devil. Nobody has time for that; it’s 2016 and we got appearances to keep up.

Most importantly, Twitter asks what’s happening, and generally you want to share what’s happening. Sometimes what’s happening may be that you’re hungover, and you don't want to have to worry about your uncle asking you at Thanksgiving dinner why you tweeted on February 14th, 2016 at 3:34 PM that you were hungover and using Rihanna’s method (chinese food, an upside down trashcan, towels and ice) as a hangover cure. You don’t want that and I don’t want that, so here is what to do.

First, look at that notification and assess which family member is now following you. If it’s a sibling, then in the words of Nicki Minaj on the SNL clean version of her "The Hills" remix, you safe baby third base. You and your sibling probably got dirt on each other, and there’s no need for this to be a big deal; just proceed with caution.

If it’s a cousin, then the issue becomes a little bit more difficult, depending on the relationship you have. If you and your cousin have a strong bond and occasionally dabble in mess together, then hit them with that followback, if you would like.

However, if your cousin is a known snitch or Chatty Cathy, then please proceed to the following troubleshooting guide, which also pertains to all other family members. And if the person in question is your mother, your father, your aunt, your uncle, your grandmother, your grandfather, your great-uncle, your great-aunt or your great-great-great grandmother, this is where you begin to take notes.

1. Before you take action, find out how often this person actually goes on Twitter. This will determines how often they will actually see your tweets. Determine if it’s worth all this trouble. If you’re still worried, proceed.

2. Try telling your family member that your account is simply not you, and that someone has stolen your identity. You’ve been Catfished! Depending on how familiar they are with the show Catfish, this may confuse them even more, which will be a good distraction.

3. If that doesn’t fly, explain that your Twitter account is like your alter ego. You’re playing a version of yourself, like Stephen Colbert did for the Colbert Report, and you only want them to know the real you. Which is impossible to do if they follow you on Twitter.

4. If none of these steps are effective, “soft block” your family member. This is my favorite technique. A soft block is when you block and then immediately unblock someone who’s following you. This will automatically force them to unfollow you, without alerting them to it. HOWEVER: If your family members are determined, like mine, they may simply follow you again.

Malcolm Musoni / Twitter: @fijiwatergod

5. It may be time to try the direct approach: Politely ask them to unfollow you. The cherry on the cake is to maybe go on this long rant about how social networks are ruining the intimacy of family relationships and them following you is just a copout to get out of actually picking up the phone and checking on you.

6. Alternatively, if you’re willing to sacrifice all potential retweets of your fire tweets: Soft block the family member, and then just make your Twitter account private.

7. If you’re unwilling to go private, you may need to fully block the family member. This is a harsh approach, but if you feel like this is what it’s come to, go ahead. Just be ready for the blow-back.

8. OK, that’s all I’ve got. Maybe you should just delete your Twitter. You’ve had a good run.

9. Or, if all else fails, maybe you could with it. What’s the worst that can happen?

No, wait, you’re right. Circle back, review your notes, and try again.

Octavia Thorns for BuzzFeed


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